Hard to top that shield tbh.
Maybe a +9ar vs charr and +28hp shield could compete but that's just trying too hard.
Hard to top that shield tbh.
Maybe a +9ar vs charr and +28hp shield could compete but that's just trying too hard.
My bad i went back and fixed it, its The Granite Citadel in the southern shiverpeaks.
Is that where all those stone summit popup?
I don't need the staff but I will give you 1e anyhow because I need the enchant mod.
Thanks for the help.
By wait a few months do you mean they will be available at each anniversary? I thought it was just 15th anniversary only.
Justice, would it be okay if I asked you to help me capture one? I live in Australia and can only log on some week nights. Thanks.
Yeah it's cool I will help you cap them. I play sea/ocx frequently.
ign: Witch of Drascir
Yeah don't buy a run for them either, people are happy to help with those usually. Or at least I am. If nothing else just wait another 5-6 months
I remember when the chest would spawn outside The Black Citadel like right outside the door and you could open it in under 15 seconds, and rezone, people farmed the life out of that chest, you would get Sup Absorb and Sup Vigor ( oh which back in the day where worth 80-100plat each ) I remember the day Anet removed that chest.
So I remember sup absorbs being 100k but I cannot recall what the black citadel is.
bought the serpentine reaver now and am continuing the search for cripple staves, ty for the items found so far 🙂
bought the blessed chalice now looking for the serpentine reaver.
Still looking for cripple reduction staves (list updated) but now also looking for,
Blessed Chalice: r8-r9
Serpentine Reaver: Any requirement
That sounds a bit farfetched to me, but I'm not a warrior. Would that really give a significant advantage? Then what about warriors running a conjure build (those conjures were around in 2005, weren't they?)? The 'no damage skills' argument sounds more likely to me, that just leaves DF as the odd one out instead of insp&heal&prot. But as you said earlier, anyway it doesn't make a lot of sense...
Support lines don't have a conjure spell.
Understand it was a decision made before launch even. A PvP game with secondary professions. Anet was very aware of there being potential issues when developing that system.
Its about attribute investment. If you invest 9 ranks in air magic, a damage line, then its not any different than a warrior investing into marksmanship and equipping a bow on swap. But we are talking secondaries like healing prayers where a warrior could deal the same auto attack damage as an air wand while having a lot of sustain. Yes wanding isn't exactly "rofl op damage" but it isn't nothing either. Back then some warriors in PvP arenas were engaging fights with vampiric bows before the clash, no marksmanship.
In gw2 anet had to relearn this lesson with the elite specialization for ranger, the druid. A very support specialization and its new equipable weapon type, ironically to this convo, was staff. It was very support /healing oriented and its auto attack was relatively weak. But even with it being a weak damage attack it had measurable attrition. They ended up nerfing this pathetic damage auto attack several times to address this. I believe this is something the 2005 anet devs were mindful of.
ESO has a similar thing with its restoration staff. The restoration staff does terrible damage and unlike the destruction staff (ice/fire/lightning) its auto attack damage has no damage improvements through its weapon line.
I remember playing in that arena, had a good enough win streak to level up a couple times which made winning even easier until team changed from people dropping out and some real novices taking their place leading to a loss.
This leads me to the main issue with those lower level PVP areas - you still gain experience while doing them so once you level up in a match and then lose a match you can no longer enter with that character.
People will also get run to Droks for max armor etc. so binning the character is expensive to then create another to level and get there.
Nice idea but too many issues I feel
he said limited to AC armor.
Actually I figured it out I think.
In short they didn't want melee martial warriors running a secondary support attribute having access to "free" ranged damage.
Yeah it doesn't make a lot of sense. For every reason I can think of there are several counter points.
For ele vs monk you could make the "theme" argument when looking at the different elements and then when looking at monk just say cover df/healing/protection under one staff and wand but then separate the smite stuff into its own. Any secondary monks can use these off hands to pair with a main hand.
Inspiration is a very secondary attribute and its low breakpoints often support that. Also it is stacked with mantras which are stances.
These are weak debate points but nothing else really makes sense. Not even lazy makes sense since there are already a lot of skins in prophecies and some are fairly amazing.
A point against staves like ghostly staff not having ALL the attributes could be that it would water down the pool even more and in some cases unnecessarily.
Monks use df with protection and healing prayers
Secondary monks just use their own caster staves or wands while onehanded martial weapon usesrs just take the available focuses in the offhand.
Inspiration magic is just not a build focused attribute and is presumed to be run along side another main attribute. Martial uses can still pair an offhand with a one handed weapon though.
idk some ecto.
Can the skeleton only be done with a group of 8 players? farming it with heroes seems very slow
I would recommend doing it with players as a run, very fast very easy.
if i remember correctly HM kilroy's is stupid hard after the elementalist update back in 2012 that increased all HM mobs hp. Since kilroy skills are predominately armor ignoring damage, they didn't scale well with that update.
I think you can do a repeatable halloween quest capturing skellies or something and turn them in pretty fast too.
I've got a Hale Forbidden Staff if interested:
q13 Death Magic
20% Cripple
No need, ty for asking.
I have crippling q9 death raven staff if interested
No need, ty for asking.
I always put vigor rune on boots so its easiest to find them.
I always put condition reduction runes on gloves so its easy to see if I have one equiped and which. Also cheap to make extra gloves, minus special ones of course.
So if you like any of the special gloves I would put vigor on them.
Make multiple copies of boots for you condition reduction runes to pair with those multiple off hands.
If you do that for every character and hero its easy to check them as it will be habit.
My chest piece is almost always a minor rune of an attribute that is always useful but wouldn't ever really be the backbone of a build. Fast casting, energy storage, soul reaping and so on.
i got a q9 curses cockatrice with the -20% cripple. If u want it.
Q9 fire Plagueborn - 20% crippled, pm offer interested
not asking much
No needs but ty for asking.
No wonder why ascalon fell, you took away all their shields
Been farming some vermin and locked chests in hardmode Xaquang Skyway and decided to save up the r9 Celestial items I found to make an Identification Vid.
Kept the 15>50 hammer and the 10 hct water staff.
The few ok staves I gave away to noobs in starter towns.
Most of it was just merch food other wise.
ty for watching
q10 Channeling Cripple Zodiac Staff, let me know if your interested
no but ty for asking. Got a spawning power one from andy.
q11 Hypnotic staff req ILLUSIONMAGIC :cool:
(and 20% cripple ofc)
no but ty for asking.
updating list.
Bought a twin serpent staff with -%cripple today as well.
omfg I merched 10 of these in last month
All I get is condition staffs, will save next few for you
Just golds or purples too?
just golds as they are max and look pretty or something
Not on your list but I've got a r9 fire staff (core) with -cripple. To merch or not to merch?
no want on the core skin unless maybe if its cathan one. ty for asking
Hi, i have q13 blood zodiac staff with cripple reduction 20% if you still have interest.
yes I am interested. ty for asking.
ign: Witch of Drascir
updated op for a more detailed list of wants.
Thank You to those who have both sold and asked on staves so far.
I hate one aspect of this mission and its that chests sometimes spawn on the unreachable siegeships.
Oops sorry was away. Yes I want if ok price.
Looking for a selection of staves with the inherent modifier -20% cripple duration.
Ghostly Staff: Spawning Power/Channeling Magic
Bo Staff: Domination
Platinum Staff: Fire Magic
looking for a PC on an OS Zodiac Axe r9 with the weird +15%/ -1 ER zealous strength mod.
Didn't see any postings for zealous strength when I googled it so idk if its even something people collect.
Thank you for any info.