55a fell
Posts by gwmacdaddy
plague maul 30a
Sorry I have not been able to mediate the trades for the past few days but i am back! I will be trying to complete out all pending trades asap. Please pm me if you havent already
It looks like the verte was won by SafeOfBlossoms
Jitte was won by nategoesevil
-reserve has been hit for q8 +5 oni blade and q8 +5 verte-reserve timer has been updated to 48 hours for higher end items
-added r/bs to all items
-updated kep refuge staff picture Unholy
*NOTICE BOARD**********************
-verte rb hit by jenjen sale in less than 16 hrs
-jitte rb hit by guava sale in less than 24 hrs
-oni blade pending delivery to embers
-kepkhets refuge pending delivery to ketuja
-q8 battle pick sold to trunkz
Hello and thank you for reading,
My name is the Guild Wars Macdaddy (you can find me in game @ M A C D A D D Y). I am putting up a gallery of rare items for auction. I am not in a rush to sell items and will put a r/b and b/o options where deemed necessary. Also I am sorry if I am slow to update or sell items, but I will try to update this page as often as I can.
Once reserve is hit on an item, there will be a 24 hour timer after the most recent offer placed - until item is off the market and no more bids can be placed and item will be pending delivery. 24hr timer resets after each new bid on said item. 48hrs if item priced over 200a (resets to 24).
Happy Bidding!
- M A C D A D D Y
Q8 Plagueborn Sword +5 energy
C/O - 100a mini
r/b 150a
Q8 Oni Blade +5 energy
Pending delivery to embers
Q8 Vertebreaker +5 energy
C/O - 400a blossoms rb hit will close 24 hours after last bid
Q8 Gothic Sword Dual Zealous
C/O - 50a onde
r//b 100a
Prenerf Kepkhet's Refuge
Sold pending delivery
Q8 Fellblade 15^50
C/O - 60a seb
r/b 150a
Q8 Crenellated Sword 15^50
C/O - 100a hobo
r/b 125a
Q8 Plagueborn Maul 15^50
C/O - 40a tire
r/b 80a
Q8 Jitte 15^50
C/O - 200a guava rb hit bidding ends in 36 hours unless new bid
r/b 200a
Q8 Katana 15^50
C/O - 85a jen
r/b 200a
Q8 Battle Pick 15^50SOLD - 55a TrunkzQ8 Amber Longbow 20% while hexed
C/O - 5a pined
r/b 20a
Prenerf Dye Remover Red Icon
C/O - 3a takepen
r/b 10a
Prenerf 25% Charrslaying Bow Grip
C/O - 25a hobo
Thank you,
420 longsword 10e
always appreciate a nice 420 item
WTB weapons / items with a 420 gold value
pm me here or msg me in game
I got some for 50e each but that was when arms were like 70e each. Now that arms are worth more, I'd assume these would be worth more as well?
bump added r/b to all items
Agree with oldschool, except I think s1 and w4 are merch as well.
50e #10 q13 echo plants
I wouldnt sell for less than 100a; so my PC would be ~100a, maybe a bit more