Posts by Red Fireball
there is collectors for the bugged ones esp q9 and rare skin this might find a buyer for some ecto. but yes - they do exist
in theory yes - 32-33g items would opt for max q8 item drop chance, but the unid value of treasure chests is odd in various ways, so I wouldn't rely on that here. (1. the unid value ranges don't match a given level as all other chest drops do, 2. the top limit doesn't apply as everywhere else, so you have 80g unid value items, whereas everywhere else it is restricted to 60g)
just any q8 (not-purple-staff-)drop and any max drop from a chest are proof enough of a q8 max drop chance from said chest. Moira1675 ideally we'd want to see the screen, when the item is still on the ground unidentified, that also shows your position and the chat history so we can actually see it was generated by the do not touch thing. Thanks a lot for looking out - definitely worth further looking now!
it is at least mxy guess for currently dropping max for a q4 hammer... Beom Jin-Kyong can you specify when you gotten it? and thanks for the tag ikki
1e 1.111g
164e thanks for tagging San have heard of this one dropping if only I wouldn't have a maxmod already...
10-15e. no particularly desired or rare skin...
ele sword 1 off max for req, still could fetch some ecto from an oddity collector.
purp plag merch
felly gpb and oni daggs merch-10e, tough to sell.
I am currently out of country until new year, I hope all those who purchased items will be patient for me to return to log in then ( Terence16 , Khobay , MarkTheAmFah , Cute ). Sorry abou the delay... Thanks for the purchases!
Damir yes, else it would read "you pick up 1 miniature polar bear"
Cute MarkTheAmFah I am online few minutes for your items to pick up
hiz me up ingame "Red Fireball Rusher"
Montrell happy there is othe enthusiasts looking at non max weapons caring for them! my favs are 11-19 wands, 7-18axes, 10-37 scythes and for entirely different reasons 15-28 q8 hammers ;D
yours is remarkable being even matching attr mod on a multiprof wand and also having dualmod hct/hsr. I am with you - whereas there are few enthusiasts
b/o gladius please C:
Damir it is!
Hairy Knight boy... that is one strong shield :O
Q8 NF Gladius Inscr Max Gold
S.b 20a
sb please
jug q13 15e
divine symbol dual hex 10e
healing ankh q13 15e wsp pls ;-
PyroLobster the more I look at it the more I like!
10plant - 10plant
13/5 - 13/5
gorgeous - and sry the shield had the wrong gold value to match even better
condition shields 15e/ea please
#3 15e pls
2,3,5,6 could be tough sales for 5-10e/ea, the others I'd toss straight to the merch.
Staff Wrap +1 Air 20% 2e
I'd take this please
sadly not much. botted and farmable, way off max - I'd merch it but maybe you can get 5-15e if you find someone who wants it.
it is worth quite some! not a fortune bit worth an aiction. should get you at least 1a more with interest...
Mr. Clean(-Value) indeed I have to disappoint: 15/13 isn't possible... and tbh q12 is dirtyer on a shield than 13.
upping bid to 1a on the defender then to hit the rb
I do have one draconic aegis for you. hit me up ingame Red Fireball Rusher
fatbeard mcbeardface they do - they even noted the error 404 - sin not found
I think he is only looking for strength ones... but if not there is another option with 2wS even... plus it is q8
q9 crysta is many arms - apparently 25-30.
better upload screens in english - usually holding the ctrl button further to the right of the keyboard switches you to the english language in guild wars for the time holding the key.
2a - as sent via pm
and welcome to legacy!
Agent Chevy how sure are you on the chance of a q8 magmas eternal and sws/sss?
Fenrir el Gris what are you talking about "24h/year"? you mean the annihilator quests that take place in pre?
Grandor Shock where did you drop the elemental sword?