Sorry for taking so long to place these up for sale, Real Life gets in the way sometimes.
Auction will be valid for 7 days only. That's 7 days from the time this Ad was posted.
Please use the number attributed to the item when bidding so I can easily update the photo with the current bids.
Photo will be updated at least daily.
Thanks and good luck!
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I have added a box next to each item that displays the current highest bid and the name of that bidder. Hopefully that makes things easier for everyone.
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Added an update section as other users have advised me that the website will notify bidders.
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ITEM7 C/o 20e Praise outbid P/o 5e ObsidiaN
ITEM8 C/o 1e ObsidiaN
ITEM9 C/o 2a Praise outbid P/o 1e Unholy
ITEM10 C/o 1a Legendary Lena
ITEM11 C/o 1e ObsidiaN
ITEM17 C/o 1e M O N K F O O L
ITEM18 C/o 1e ObsidiaN
ITEM19 C/o 2e Mr. Clean outbid P/o 1e ObsidiaN
ITEM22 C/o 1e ObsidiaN
ITEM24 C/o 2e Sky outbid P/o 1e ObsidiaN
ITEM25 C/o 3e ObsidiaN outbid P/o 2e Sky
ITEM26 C/o 2a Praise outbid P/o 10e MysticZeal