q5/13 Tactics Oaken Aegis (Blue) - 15e

CLOSE - sold in game for b/o
25e oaken
q5/13 Tactics Oaken Aegis (Blue) - 30e
50e oaken
2 - 50e
2. Magmas 29+ 10 vs Skele 100e
- retract -
q5/13 Tactics Oaken Aegis (Blue) - 60e
1a Oaken
m3 50e
Final Bump for Low Req pvp shields. Ending those tomorrow gl
q5/13 Tactics Oaken Aegis (Blue) - 1a + 20e
Oaken 2a
Magmas #2 =2A
IGn: Evil Boy Gu
2. Magmas 29+ 10 vs Skele 3a
September 4, 2021 at 4:28 PM Changed the title of the thread from “8/25 - Magmas Shields & Low Req PVP Shields” to “9/4/21 - NEW Magmas Shields - OS Shields - Post Nerf Q8s”. -
bump added a new magmas, 3 new shields and some q8 post nerfs
100e mag 4
s/b Igneous Blade
Magmas Prot 35e
Zodiac Prot 45e
Magmas #2 =4A
September 5, 2021 at 6:07 PM Changed the title of the thread from “9/4/21 - NEW Magmas Shields - OS Shields - Post Nerf Q8s” to “9/5/22 NEW - q9 Dragon Staff 20/20 Fire - Magmas Shields - OS Shields - Post Nerf Q8s”. -
Added perfect Dragon Staff. Added R/B and B/O to the Magmas. Skeleton Magmas will be sold this evening if no other bids are received.
B/O PROT Maggy
40e on Prot Zodiac
r/b mag 3
5a magmas #2
September 28, 2021 at 11:26 PM Changed the title of the thread from “9/5/22 NEW - q9 Dragon Staff 20/20 Fire - Magmas Shields - OS Shields - Post Nerf Q8s” to “9/28/21 - Outcast Shields - q8 Colossal Pick - Dragon Staff”. -
Added some new
September 28, 2021 at 11:26 PM Changed the title of the thread from “9/28/21 - Outcast Shields - q8 Colossal Pick - Dragon Staff” to “9/28/21 - Outcast Shields - q8 Colossal Pick - Dragon Staff - EL Ghostly Priest”. -
sb on dragon staff
November 2, 2021 at 7:26 PM Changed the title of the thread from “9/28/21 - Outcast Shields - q8 Colossal Pick - Dragon Staff - EL Ghostly Priest” to “q7 max Longsword”. -
R/b will be added Sunday
r/b added.
November 8, 2021 at 11:09 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q7 max Longsword” to “q7 max Longsword - b/o added”. -