Over 30 mixed items | all with offers will be sold | new q0 banded spear 8-12 insc blue
ardunain -
July 8, 2021 at 10:30 AM -
#21 s/b Nimbly Crow
Some new condi shields Cloud Strife
16 and 18, 5e each
36 - 10e
24. Water Wand Q9 10/10 os 10e
IGN: I Zes I
Up. Please leave igs. Lets sell some stuff
- Official Post
8. Ornate shield Q9 tac, +10vs ogres, Cripple red
9. Ornate shield Q9 S, -2^s, +10vs ogres
10e each
Edit: Thank you very much for trade!
1. dragon staff 20/20 smite Q9 smite c/o 50e
16, 18, 36
15e each
2. wayward wand q12 smite 10/10 50e
IGN Judgement of Apollo
October 19, 2021 at 6:22 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Over 30 mixed items | all with offers will be sold |” to “Over 30 mixed items | all with offers will be sold | new q0 banded spear 8-12 insc blue”. -
January 26, 2022 at 11:59 AM Closed the thread. -