OS Wands/ Offhands
Zodiac Scepter Q10 Illu 10%HCT +15e -1 energy regen
Zodiac Scepter Q11 Illu 10% HCT 9%HSR
Wayward Wand Q11 Fire 10%HSR 9% HCT
Straw Effigy Q9 Soul +10 vs dragons HSR 19% death
Zodiac Shields sold -60e
Q11 Str -3w/h +60 w/h
Q11 Tac -3w/h +10 vs demons
Celestial Shields
Q12 Tac -5dmg (20% ) +10 vs blunt
Q12 Tac +60 w/h +10 vs earth
Bladed Shields
Q10 Tac -3 w/h Reduce weakness 20%
Q10 Tac -3 w/h Reduce blind 20%
Q11 Tac -2 w/s +9 vs fire
Ornate Buckler
Q13 Tac -2w/e +10 vs lightning
Exalted Aegis
Q12 Tac +30 -5 (19%)
Q12 Tac +44w/s -5dmg (19%)
OS Zodiac Staffs (20/10)
Q9 Air x2
Q9 Com
Q9 Illu
Q9 Smite
Q10 Dom
OS Staffs
Zodiac Q12 Dom (20/20)Zodiac Q12 Death (20/20) - Sold -1a
Earth Staff Q9 Earth (20/20)
Clairvoyant Staff Q11 Dom (20/10)
Jeweled Staff Q9 Illu (20/20)
OS Martial weaponsZodiac Q9 15^50 -Sold-25e
Oni Blade Q10 15^50Zodiac Hammer Q9 15^50 -Sold- 20e
Colossal PickQ11 15^stance
Colossal Pick Q9 15^50
OS Shields / OS staffs /OS wands / OS swords and martial weapons
Cmon boys... 60e on it
September 18, 2021 at 5:36 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS zodiac shield q11 -3w/h +60w/h” to “OS zodiac shields q11 -3w/h +60w/h || Q11 tac -3w/h +10 vs demons”. -
September 18, 2021 at 5:44 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS zodiac shields q11 -3w/h +60w/h || Q11 tac -3w/h +10 vs demons” to “OS Shields / OS staffs /OS wands / OS swords and martial weapons”. -
Zodiac q12 death 20/20 : 1a
Ornate Buckler
Q13 Tac -2w/e +10 vs lightning10e
bump .. new items added
bump.. added colossal pick
Zodiac Q12 Dom (20/20) 15e
Zodiac Q12 Dom (20/20) 100e
Not sure if this auction is still ongoing -
Colossal Pick Q9 15^50 - 50e
Zodiac Q12 Dom (20/20) 105e
January 16, 2022 at 3:31 AM Closed the thread.