DV Chaos Axe Q10 - 7a

[New 16 march] Prenerf Dyed Bags set + Storage Cleaning -> OS Shields Perf / 20/20 Staves / OS Hammers + Swords + Axes / Q8 Gold inscri shields + offhands / Q0 Copperleaf / Q9 Emerald blade / Q9 Purple Elonian Daggers /OS Eternal / Q1 Scythe
Healing and Fire Celestial scepters 5a/ea
r/b DV scimitar
jitte 27a
30a on the Jitte.
Gothic +5e - 5a
Q8 Gothic +5e 10a
37a for the Jitte.
31a flamberg
Q8 short sword - 12a
Short sw 15a ty
jitte 40a
gotic 10a
45a for the Jitte.
Chaos axe dv 8a
DV Chaos Axe Q10 - 9a
Dv chaos axe 10a
DV Chaos Axe Q10 - 11a
flamberge 50a
Jitte 50a
Oni blade 25a
dv chaos axe 15a
Jitte, 52a
July 30, 2024 at 11:30 AM Changed the title of the thread from “[New 14 June] Q8 Flamberge + Short Sword - 20/20 Spawn Dead Staff - 20/10 Heal Celestial Scepter - Q9 Low Dmg +5Energy Oni Blade - Q8 +5Energy Jitte - OS Shields - OS 20/20 Staves - Dual Vamp Chaos Axe + Shadow Blade - Q9 Ironwing Flatbows - Q8 Vab Bastio” to “[Last Bump] Q8 Flamberge + Short Sword - 20/20 Spawn Dead Staff - 20/10 Heal Celestial Scepter - Q9 Low Dmg +5Energy Oni Blade - Q8 +5Energy Jitte - OS Shields - OS 20/20 Staves - Dual Vamp Chaos Axe + Shadow Blade - Q9 Ironwing Flatbows - Q8 Vab Bastio”. -
Was a bit busy irl since weeks and was in vacations after.
Update my thread with r/b and b/o
Ty for interest
dual vamp q9 butterfly sword - 2a
r/b Shadw Blade DV
16a Chaos Axe DV
r/b Celestial Hammer DZRetract All
17a dv chaos axe
18a dv chaos axe
r/b Shadw Blade DV
16a Chaos Axe DV
r/b Celestial Hammer DZRetract All
"Motoko you are banned from this thread, i try to send you like 20+ msg in game and no answer, and after you retract." - Make sure you also mention that you never messaged me and that I retracted 3 weeks ago. You did not message me in game, Discord, or on Legacy. If you would honor your r/b timer instead of arbitrarily enforcing it, I could actually take you seriously as a seller.
b/o shadow blade dv
Time for eveybody to grab stuff before i put new ones
Motoko you are banned from this thread, i try to send you like 20+ msg in game and no answer, and after you retract.
icedcream Woo m4sc0tte freshboyminze guyman Gentleman Xander
Drystan4 Mat i still have some stuff for you.
Prefer pm on discord for better sync =)
Thanks to all
August 18, 2024 at 11:21 AM Changed the title of the thread from “[Last Bump] Q8 Flamberge + Short Sword - 20/20 Spawn Dead Staff - 20/10 Heal Celestial Scepter - Q9 Low Dmg +5Energy Oni Blade - Q8 +5Energy Jitte - OS Shields - OS 20/20 Staves - Dual Vamp Chaos Axe + Shadow Blade - Q9 Ironwing Flatbows - Q8 Vab Bastio” to “[New 18/08] The Iron Fortress - Shield Sale”. -
bump !
New stuff for sale.
Have fun !
towers dwarf and undead 1a each Captain Krompdown
Q13 Strength outcast +45we +10 vs piercing 2a
10/30 Dwarves Tower - 10a
10/30 Undead Tower - 10a
10/-2wE Dwarves Tall - 5a
Echo+30 +10 cold 1a
Gothic 45we +10 cold 1a
Exalted 45we +10 slash 3a
Zodiac full ench 1a
undead tower 11a
+10 earth/-2 ench shadow shield, exalted aegis - 3a each
ign: Six Mesmers Stance
Thanks for the tag, Red Fireball
I won't get between you and the undead tower.
Retract all bids.
30a dwarf tower
10/30 Dwarves Tower - 40
Echo+30 +10 cold 3a