Attr4 200e

Diamon Aegis q9 Tactics +10 vs Demons -2wE and more! [updated 20/08/2024]
Attri 3 100e
Ign: Luana Rose
#DEMON-8: 50e
#DEMON-9: 75e
#ATTR-2, 100e
30e ea DV1, 2, 4 and 5
s7 2a
Plant1 2a
Attr 1 2a
Attr 3 1a
Demon 9 80e
#DEMON-9: 1a
Guess we’ll run it up then
#DEMON-9: 2a
attr3 200e
attr 3 2a
Demon 3 - 25a
Dem 3 30a
#S-1 - 10a
#ATTR-4 - 250e
ign: omega dagger
dv2 50e
plant1 5a
s15 100e
will start selling by the end of the week
attr-1 500e
attr-3 1000e
attr-4 500e
retract bid on N7
attr-1 rb
attr-3 bo
attr-4 rb
#bow-4 -> 50e
Attr 9 + 11 75e/ea
Attr 4 6a
#S15 - 1a
attr4 7a
Plants1 7a
S15 200e
Plants5 50e
February 18, 2023 at 9:57 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Abaddon's-Shop * [UPDATE Jan 25th, 2023!] * OS Shields * Vs Demon & Plant * Insc. low-reqs * And more!” to “Abaddon's-Shop * [UPDATE Feb 18th, 2023] * OS Shields * Insc. low-reqs * And more! *NEW ITEM!*”. -
25e each goth ty Cute
goth2 50e
retract. found ingame
IGN Attractive Warrior
February 19, 2023 at 6:08 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Abaddon's-Shop * [UPDATE Feb 18th, 2023] * OS Shields * Insc. low-reqs * And more! *NEW ITEM!*” to “Abaddon's-Shop * [UPDATE Feb 18th, 2023] * OS Shields: Outcast,GotH,Echo,Ornate * Insc. low-reqs * And more! *NEW ITEM!*”. -
Echo 4 - 2a