• There is an item I am trying to get that cost more than the trade window can hold. What I need is a ded panda and island guardian or 2 ded pandas or 2 ded island guardians. I will pay 1500a per ded mini and once I make the trade with the other person, they will sell you back your minis for the same price I bought them from you for (he would rather have arms than the minis). So I would be buying and borrowing your minis so I can make the trade and then you would be able to buy them back if you wanted them back.

    This would help me and the other player out so that we can make a trade within the trade window and not have to rely on a middle man. I would get my item, he would get to sell the ded minis he doesn't want and you would be getting your minis back. So everyone benefits from this.

    There are a few players that are trying to hoard all the rare asian minis but me and this other player are not like that. As I said before.. I am only wanting to use them as currency and the other player would rather have arms and not ded minis. For right now we are both pricing the ded pandas and island guardians at 1500a each.

    Please message me if you are willing to help with this, again I will need (2) for this to work and any combination.. 2 pandas, 2 island guardians or 1 of each. Or if you have an unded panda you can sell me, please PM ME as well!!!

    Edited once, last by Darksim (February 28, 2022 at 2:44 AM).

  • The problem with this is that those rare minis like panda and IG are impossible to find now. What if I sell you mine and then your person on the other ends decides he'd rather keep the mini than sell it back to me for the ambraces? Afterall, they are basically impossible to find now. Well then shit now I've got 1500a and no mini. And there is no one else in the game who sell me that mini your guy just decided to keep for the same price, because if there was, you wouldn't have to be asking here. (Edit: this is a factual statement judging as you've been trying to obtain these minis for more than a month now)

    I'm sorry but without more details, I'm calling this out as pretty questionable. It could be a ploy to buy one of these minis at 1500a from someone who is under the impression they are doing you and your seller a quick favor.

    The fact that you won't rely on a trusted middle man is frankly a red flag. It's literally what they exist for. You could have had this transaction done weeks ago.

    Edit: Just to add, you've not provided a single detail about this "transaction". Not who you are. Not who this "seller" is. Not what is being sold, nor the price it's being bought at.

    Edited 3 times, last by Surge goes pre (February 28, 2022 at 4:14 AM).

  • I don't think there is anything "questionable" about it and what other details would you need? Please feel free to ask any questions you have. I think I covered everything that is being asked of all parties involved and everyone knows the risk without you commenting and making it seem like it is a complete scam.... I know a lot of people who have both minis but are asking for ridiculous prices or are just hanging onto them for now.

    I get what you're saying though, I suppose there is a risk involved to the person selling the ded minis and them not getting them back. All I know is the person I am trading them to for the item of interest truly does not care for owning minis. He has sold many of his minis already and we have had many talks about how we can do the trade without using minis because he would have to turn around and sell them. The trades he does as well as many other high end traders is they use minis as currency, which is what I am trying to do here.

    I know this would involve a lot of trust and it was a long shot but figured I would ask in case anyone would be open to helping. I am tired of people claiming to have unded minis, and agree to sell them to me and then don't sign in for weeks upon end and/or do not respond back when they are logged in.

    Speaking of "trust" you mention middle man.... well it is the same concept as what is being asked of here, you are "trusting" us to sell you back your ded mini after we do our trade. The difference is.. we would be giving a middle man all of our arms and minis with nothing as collateral. Trading a middle man that much currency for nothing doesn't sit well with me, I don't care who it is. The one middle man we spoke with wanted to charge a couple hundred arms and we do not want to pay that much on top of how much money we are forking out for our trade already. I would rather just work it out so that I can do the trade that fits in the trade window. It seems like that will probably not happen though.

    I hope everyone understands what I am trying to say as I am not trying to be "questionable" or suspicious. I have enough arms to pay double for the ded minis if I really wanted them. I just didn't want to have to pay double for the minis to turn around and use them as currency for a lower amount on the item I am trying to get. Which is probably what will end up happening anyways. As I said.. I figured I would just ask to see if anyone was open to helping out, if not that's fine.. I understand.

  • Exactly. If I sold you my mini, a mini I played for years solely to get catching up in terms of its price increasing, a mini I plan to literally never ever sell, I'd be taking all the risk of trusting you and your friend to sell it back to me. If your friend doesn't sell it back to me, you lose nothing. You got what you wanted. And in that case so did your friend. And I'm out of luck. I don't know you and I don't even know who your friend is. And if your friend doesn't sell that mini back to me, I won't ever be able to afford it again because the next one for sale is going to go for more than you gave me. There are too many unknowns. I suspect that anyone who has one of these minis and doesn't want to sell it would have the same reservations that I am expressing. There probably aren't even that many on active accounts anymore to begin with.

    Also and what bothers me the most as an outside with one of the minis you desire, is that you can find a trade mod who has been doing this for years with tons of references to back up their honesty. Whereas you and your friend have no such references. So you and you friend publicly say you won't trust a trade moderator, someone with many references. But you expect me to trust both you and your friend with no references. And you won't even say who your friend is.

    Edit: You've been at this for a month because 'you want to save a few hundred armbraces' and you 'wont' trust a trade moderation'. Yet you claim to have enough armbraces to buy all these minis twice That doesn't add up either. If this was really that important to you, you wouldn't cheap out over a few percent.

  • You're comparing a player possibly not getting back their mini but still getting the arms its worth anyways vs trading someone 5x worth the mini and getting nothing in return, very much not the same. Just because someone has the money to afford something at a higher cost doesn't mean they are going to pay more for it, especially when the ded minis are not worth as much as players are trying to sell them for. You know who I am talking about too.. you can see them in KAMA chat... advertising to sell for 1750a and other players trying to buy them at 1000a lmao... no thanks.

    Either way... you're not interested in doing this and that's fine. I am not sure why you keep going on about it though. You have made your point and no one will probably want to do this but I was just trying to think of ideas out side of the box to make the trade work considering the requirements of both parties. Like maybe someone is actually hoarding ded minis on here and they could have multiple IG's and Panda's so the risk for them would be much less. I know of one player that does have multiples but doesn't want to sell. Probably not a whole lot of people that have both and/or are active anyways. Never really know until you ask, right? oh well... sorry that my idea bothers you so much.

  • I'm just not afraid to voice my opinions when something doesn't feel right. It's weird to me that you are trying to get what must be a historically epic item and you won't do the commonly used approach of using a trade mod.

    Here's a suggestion. Isn't someone selling an unded roller beetle right now? There's a 600a placeholder for you. Wasn't someone selling a ded MKG recently? Some pro derv or something. Look for some high end OS items. If you don't care what the placeholder is, maybe you can find something else to use.

    There might not be enough IG and Pandas left for this anymore. Or you can use a trade mod.

  • That’s a good idea, just figured would be easier to use IG and Panda for currency so less trade window space is used. Apparently I was wrong as it is difficult finding these minis. Hopefully I can come to an agreement with the other party and figure something out, whether it be finding a mod or using some other placeholder for currency.

  • concerning the middleman option: there is way less risk to be taken:

    1. you trade the middleman 1750a

    2. middleman confirms recieving to the seller

    3. you trade item for 1750a with seller

    4. you (buyer) confirm the trade to the middleman

    5. seller get 1750a from middleman

    this was assuming a 3500a trade. if it's more the middleman will have to recieve said "more" and hand it back to seller in the end obviously.

    this way only item value minus 1750a is the amount trusted to the middleman and not twice the item value as in your description. I'd bet you can find a middleman offering to do such. whilst I do not have reputation for doing such service I'd offer you to do it - I can even give my 5 most beloved custod items in exchange in step 1 for you to have a guarantee that I don't drop out. You'd trade this guarantee to the seller after step 4. so I can get them back from the seller for the deposit made with me. I can only supply with a reputation of general trustworthyness, helpfullness and honesty that I earned.

    pm me if interested ;)

    Edit: or yet another option without middleman and just a rather reduced risk of 1/2*(trade value-1750a) hence half as much as in the displayed middleman alternative:

    1. you hand the seller 1000a

    2. you trade the item for 1750a

    3. you hand the seller the remaining 1000a

    this is assuming a 3750a trade. this way over the entireity of trade the risk is equaled out: first you have to trust the seller for 1000a, then the seller has to trust you for 1000a. you could even exchange something of personal value in advance as guarantee of each step - as I offered to do with my 5 favourite custod weps (ofc this means there would have to be relevant items on both sides. in my case there'd be the only os q9 15^50 scythe, which has no value to you, but to me - hence guaranteeing I will want it back, since I couldn't simply buy a replacement - since there is none.)

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

    Edited once, last by Red Fireball (February 28, 2022 at 11:11 AM).

  • I like those ideas, especially the first one where you would trade your stuff as collateral. That shows trust and helps prove that between both parties. It's hard to take someones word that ded minis wouldn't interest them enough to want to keep and not sell back, but customized weapons that they cannot use is another thing.

    I know who you are and I trust you already but yeah.. unfortunately both parties have to agree on the middle man etc. I can ask though for sure. Thank you for the recommendations!!

  • Darksim March 1, 2022 at 2:23 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Need high end minis for high end trade” to “Please close”.
  • Well I did the stupidest, most desperate thing anyone would do... I traded arms up front with nothing in return and then traded more arms and then the person traded the item to me. I don't know what I was thinking but yeah... that is how it went down. But he was honest and trustworthy.. I think I was so desperate to finally get this item that I didn't care if I got scammed.... I just wanted to finally get it lmao geesh.. I am still stressed out. =O =O =O

    He did show me 1750a he had of his own but still that technically still means nothing... I am just grateful there are honest people out there... I have been burned before and it is not a nice feeling... okay my rant is over ^^

  • hah glad it worked out - but we are all pretty intrigued as to what the item was now tho :P

    kana? unded ig? some os unicorn? another q8 15^50 crysta? gailes frog? ...?

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • bsoltan March 1, 2022 at 3:28 PM

    Closed the thread.