Hello, is there a good istan nm chest run?

Istan chest run
If you are looking for low level purples such as Q0 Scythes, Spears, etc, any explorer area on the island will do.
Personally, I will run within Plains of Jarin starting from The Astralarium and run south for a loop. There are only 2 chests across the map so once you find the 2 you can rezone.
The other maps on the islands are similar. Only 1-2 chests, (there may be one with 3 but not 100% sure from memory). The skins could differ from location but if you are only looking for general req+weapon type, any would do.
Good Luck!
Hey, im interested in q0 8-17 scythes and q0 istanis. They should drop purple from the chests right?
Definitely possible on Q0 8-17 scythes, but very rare, that's where I got my only one.
Q0 istanis should as well, not sure where I dropped mine over the years but highly likely there.
As far as rarity, all items from those chests are purple.
my last q0 istani came from by insects in south zehlon reach
i got my q0 8-17 purple suntouched by Killing stuff in the second mission of nf