Well done mate, glad to see the love for the Felly set is still strong.
I love these sets!!
Well done mate, glad to see the love for the Felly set is still strong.
I love these sets!!
Very nice stuff all! Gz Händler finally getting ur 1st Core q8+5e
Nice Collection Handler! it is motivating me to get my full collection online. I have added alot to it in the past couple weeks. Pleikki when you going to let me add that eternal bow to it??
It isn't the most glamorous collection...
There is no gold or pre-nerf items...
Here is the one group of items I have that could be considered a collection.
The 'Best' N00b-Land Has to Offer.
(I am always interested in acquiring new additions be it through trades or donations.)
Tower Shield was from ChucKst0r
Copperleaf was from JulioGuru
A couple were from BigRed a while back iirc
Ebonhand was from someone IG (I forget who)
I think I'm forgetting someone else who I got one from so sorry if it's you.
The rest were donated by the estate of many dead creatures / corsairs.
Great stuff Speed Clear Ele & Looney, I especially love purples too.
I was keeping these two new acquisitions on the down-low, but I really wanted pay my respect to the previous owner for allowing these unique beauties to become part of my collection. They will never be for sale so please don't waste you time asking me.
Massive thanks to Toobs for making it all possible. May your retirement treat you well sir.
I thought long and hard about acquiring those shields from Burnsie. I may have done so a while ago if I wasn't trying to be retired....
I'm delighted they went to you though. Feels like destiny.
Love those so much EK, I'm still kinda sad I didn't buy the Exalted, but at least it is at a good home. :heart:
That Emblazoned is just beautiful.
ye,I concur that embla shield is jawdropping beatiful. If only I had the arms for it I would have bought it.
Couple of shiny Aegis' (Aegises? Aegis's? Ageisisis?!?!)
Favorite little set of shields in my collection atm
(thank you to Mr. Toobs and Hrwakka!)
I picked up two more shields recently for my collection:
Thanks to Foxy for the Aegis, and Kriss for the SotW.
So my entire shield collection now looks like this...
Magmas Shield
Summit Warlord
Stone Summit Shield
Tall Shield
Tower Shields
Eternal Shield
Crude Shield
Shadow Shield
Shield Of The Wing
Wooden Buckler
Skull Shield
Skeleton Shield
Round Shield
Reinforced Buckler
Ornate Buckler
Couple of shiny Aegis' (Aegises? Aegis's? Ageisisis?!?!)
Favorite little set of shields in my collection atm
(thank you to Mr. Toobs and Hrwakka!)
Those shields are beautiful
Me hangin' out with my cubs and a few of my favorite things
I lost a lot of my best stuff between bans and a hacking, but I still have a decent staff collection
I'm very excited about the water dead staff, my first one!
oh wow that crysta ... sweet jesus ... thats probably the only non q8 +5e sword Id ever use on a char even tho I already have so many nice ones xd
uhm and that hot raven .... now Im on fire lol
That +5e crysta is amazing. We always knew there was a r11 out there somewhere. It's good to know it's is alive and well. Only 3 OS crystallines exist with +5e.
I personally think the q8 Dead Staff is the highlight of that set
Seriously though, Raven staff is so fking nice. Never seen such a perfect one!
That Celestial Shield is amazing. It's funny that there are two r7 attribute shields around in the active game atm and they are both Celestial Shields. I still long for the r7 +1/20 +30hp defender that was for sale on guru in '05 or '06. The rest of your collection is spectacular of course. I didn't expect to see a nicer post-nerf Raven Staff than mine, or to see the r11 +5e Crystalline Sword at all. Thanks for letting us enjoy these awesome items
Question for max: the 3 OS crystas you are refering to include purple ones?
Cuze i've seen a q13 purple +5e someday for sell
Amazing collection btw
Question for max: the 3 OS crystas you are refering to include purple ones?
Cuze i've seen a q13 purple +5e someday for sellAmazing collection btw
I'm not aware of any purples with just +5e.... there is one with +15% -5e. But only one, and it was for sale not that long ago....
Question for max: the 3 OS crystas you are refering to include purple ones?
Cuze i've seen a q13 purple +5e someday for sellAmazing collection btw
Purples don't come with +5e so I think your eyes deceived you.
edit: Or you just saw someone spam kama with WTS r13 purple Crysta +5e. Which would obviously be a fake message.
can't be sure tbh, i'd say i'm 75% sure. but if you don't think so, i may be wrong :p
ty for your answers
Great stuff reign
Amazing collection dude
I hope you're ranger main
thanks guys, I am actually a Ele main. I just love the q8 bows and have always loved collecting them.
thanks guys, I am actually a Ele main. I just love the q8 bows and have always loved collecting them.
Beautiful collection Reign! Ive found a new love for bows too, but they are hard to come by....at affordable prices.....fml
So... nothing new, but in light of the latest bow posts I figured I should contribute aswell... Might post some new warrior stuff later...
well, I am glad I did not work on getting all the green bows....not enough storage across my accounts to hold them all.
Nice collection though
The naga longbow
Guess what just happened?? I just reinstalled woopwoop, after over 4months! xD
Hehe nice stuff styx u remember i still got that 1 special im suprised u havent bombered me with pms
Anyway! I wanted post someting here too as i checked in gw to see whats going on!
Here someting that i havent posted before! There are far too little caster items in this thread! (:
Such a sick Fan Ikki!
screw that perfect os caster set, pleikki being abstinent for 4 months is what blows my mind :p
just kidding, very awesome stuff from so many people... i would really like to see coffeemans warrior stuff tho
Welcome back Ikki, classy stuff as per usual.
Keeping with the Bow theme, here are the only two my ranger will ever need.
Cheers again to Toad & Max & Ikki for enabling them to reside indefinitely with me.
A wise man once said "One can never have too many awesome bows."
Who said that?
I did. Just now.
I will add more of my collection little by little , have been very busy lately. Will soon update! Thanks
~ Hrwakka
Meanwhile heres some of my spathas
After many, many years of trying to expand my collections the time has come for me to retire from active collecting & just enjoy what I have & the game itself.
I present to you all my beloved personal collections part 1, 2, and 3.
I still have to screenshot my inscribed & oddball Q7/8 Magmas Shields, Q8 Fiery Dragon Swords, & my current Zodiac Staff/Scepter archive, but for now my eyes are square & RSI is kicking in. I no longer wish to sell anything I own & as such I can no longer afford to buy anything else :D. A massive thanks to everyone who ever sold me anything, & know that I will keep & cherish these items until the servers shutdown(hopefully that will never happen).
Thanks to Zeph for donating his awesome nakedness into my collection, & I hope he is enjoying RL as much as he enjoyed GW.
Good luck & happy hunting for all you active collectors still out there! There is no feeling like the feeling of accomplishing a dream collection!
Amazing items EK as allways glad ive been able to help you and hunt amazing items with you
and youve helped me more then anyone else (:
Who would want a smelly swampy club anyway phhhhh please uncusto and sell me everything!!
Awesome stuff man
Awesome stuff as always EK. So pro it hurts.
An poignant moment for me as you were my inspiration to begin collecting all those years ago, and you mentored me as I began my journey. You have my deepest gratitude for showing me the path of a collector. It has been an emotional journey, with many fond memories of time spent with friends and finding new friends and companions for the road. I count you as one of my best and longest standing friends in this bizarre and intriguing community, and further into real life too. I have no regrets, and I hope you don't either.
Enjoy your retirement old chap. You have earned it.
Pay attention folks. There goes a hall of famer.... A legend.
My Yoda you are.