PC Outcast Shield +30 -2

  • Hello all,

    I have been pretty lucky during zone vanquish and got an Outcast Shield Q9 Strength +30 - 2 w/ench

    I am not really familiar with current market and might consider selling it depending estimation.

    Thanks for your help. ;)

  • unfortunately a heavily botted skin. but still a really decent model you got there.

    Can't give you an exact number but there is a q9tac +30 -5/20 with a c/o of 40a on the market right now. a similar one was on the market with a r/b of 25a a while ago.

    I'd assume you can get at least 20a for it. Best you can do is auction it here and not rushing a sale / taking pm offers.

  • bsoltan May 23, 2022 at 12:58 AM

    Closed the thread.