S8 - 150e

Sw5 3a
Sw3 4a
SW2 - 8a
SW1 2a
SW6 2a
F5 2a -
sw2 10a
SW2 - 11a
sw2 12a
thx for bids! -
SW2 - 13a
SW2- 15a
Sw2 16a
F2 2a, w13 4a
w13 6a
S13 20a
SW2 - 17a
F7 - 1a
ign: Meant To Do That
Up (:
Thx for bids & wish y’all a lovely day!
Take care
S14 50e
Sw3 5a
sw2 - 18a
SW2 - 19a
SW2 - 20a
S18 : 1a
Up (:
Sorry RL is very busy atm and the weather is stunning. Will update everything when i’m back from my mountaintrip this eve.
s22 1a
Up (:
R/b & b/o added!
s22 b/o ign mis crusan
S2 - 3a
Sw3 bo
F4, 50e
F8, 100eWoo
hello, not sure if you missed my bid so ill put it again - w13 6a
s14 rb
S15 40e
IGN Reaper Arte -
Rb s13
Start selling items this eve.
Will update with new items next week. Items without bid will go back to storage or meing merched(:
S14 rb
S18 rb -
S2 - 3a