New items 20250119 : New OS Shields (r/b and b/o added)
SF22 3a
Go easy, Obsidian.
SF23 3a
Sf22 10a
Sf23 5a
SF_09 4a
SF 13 2A
SF21 2a
Bump r/b and b/o added
Sf 18
Sf 19
Sf 20
Last bump
SF 18: 2a if not sold
SF 19: 2a
SF 20: 2a
as well
3a each 18 19 20
5a each
SF 18 19 20
7a each 18 19 20
10a each 18 19 20
October 23, 2022 at 5:15 PM Changed the title of the thread from “New Items [10-13-22] : OS Staff, Wand and OS GotH : Dragon Staff - Bo Staff - Platinium Staff - Guardian of the Hunt - Eternal Flame Wand - Cane” to “New Items [10-33-22] : OS Q8 Items (Gold and Purple) ,OS Shields : Exalted Aegis, Guardian of the Hunt, Zodiac Hammer, Jeweled Chalice, Jeweled Chakram, Idol, Q8 Kukris, Q8 Sai, Q8 Dragon Kamas”. -
Bump with my new items
Q28 + Q29 1a ea
Q34 2a
q11 60e
Q27,30,31. 1a each
Q28,29 2a each
q-11 100e
Q32 30e
q15 75e
q17 75e
q35 1a
IGN: Blackwork X
Bump B/o and R/b added
Q_28 b/o : 3a