#14 12a~
#1 81a
#1 82a
#14 15a
3 - 25a
#14 16a
#14 17a (:
#9 22a
#1 82a 50e
#14 18a~
#14 20a
#9 22a
#14 21a~
#14 22a#9 22aEdit: retract -
#9 30a
#1 83a
Bump, ppl with rb met try to catch me ingame.
Ign: LUANA rose
#1 85a, sorry currently on vacation
2. 30a
rescind offer on 3
May 28, 2023 at 7:25 AM Changed the title of the thread from “UPDATE! New items, q7/8's (Colossal pick, longsword, stormbow, Gothic sword, stilletto etc!) OS Shields, Stre Wooden buckler! Prenerf staff And more!” to “closed”. -
Marty Silverblade
May 29, 2023 at 1:24 AM Closed the thread. -