Chaos 8a

CLOSED r/b meet b/o added q7 bone staff
75a warham
100a hammer of warrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
1a ea, c+e
10a chaos
12 chaos
November 6, 2023 at 9:19 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS q8 War hammer (ram skin) 12>50 , q8 15>50 Longbow (wooden) , q7`s Whites” to “WTS q7 6-27 White Chaos axe”. -
r/b b/o on chaos axe San Savage Bubba
B/o chaos axe
November 9, 2023 at 10:33 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS q7 6-27 White Chaos axe” to “WTS q7 15-22 white Tribal Blade”. -
November 9, 2023 at 10:37 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS q7 15-22 white Tribal Blade” to “WTS q7 15-22 white Tribal Blade, q8 6-28 white Summit Axe”. -
5a/ea (:
Tribal 8a
Tribal 10a (:
February 4, 2024 at 11:45 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS q7 15-22 white Tribal Blade, q8 6-28 white Summit Axe” to “WTS Prenerf Sundering mods Set Hammer-Sword-Axe-Bow 5 to 10”. -
S/b bow set
February 11, 2024 at 12:29 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Prenerf Sundering mods Set Hammer-Sword-Axe-Bow 5 to 10” to “Storage clearout - Q8 / Prenerf / OS Shield / OS Wand 20/20 / Weapons”. -
bump Storage clearout - Q8 / Prenerf / OS Shield / OS Wand / Weapons
32 = 20a
39 = 5a
40 = 10a
44,45,46,47 = 4a/ea -
49 / 48 2a each
41 1a
42 5a
43 5a
37 3a
35 1a
29 2a
28 2a
22 5a
2 - 500e
ign: Aegis Forever
26. 5a
16 - 2 a
27 10a
39 10a
42 10a
27 - 40a
35. 2a
bump no r/b no b/o item will go to the best offer until friday 10pm UCT time
11 1a
31 80e
42 - 15a
27 - 40a
37 - 5a
42 18a
3 - 1a
17 - 2a
24 - 2a
25 - 2a
26 - 8a
30 - 2a
33 - 2a
38 - 1a
42 - 20a
1 3a
19 5a
42 22a
42- 25a~
32 - 27a
35. 3a
26 10a
33 3a
35 4a
26. 11a
35. 5a
42. 23a -
42 24a
42-25a~ -
26 12a
33 3a
35 6a