This collection is an example of the saying that collector items sometimes may have value only to the collector π
They are all merch food, and they are imperfect, but all the numbers on these items are primes.
I started on this collection a year ago. I wanted to collect something fun, but since I am only a casual and occasional player that doesn't have a ton of funds, just a decent amount that is enough for my needs, it had to be something affordable and realistic.
This is how the idea of looking for items with only prime values was born. I decided to see if it's possible and how often I will find such items. So it was also a research of sorts. I didn't go looking for the items. I didn't farm for them on purpose. Otherwise I probably would find much more.
I found all the items "naturally", either during a regular gameplay or by farming for Nick items. It is farming, but with a different purpose.π It also added a fun component of anticipation in the low areas, where usually nothing of the value would drop.
Anyways, I did notice several curious things. First, the collection doesn't have scythe or staff items. In scythe or staff I couldn't find combination of all odd numbers, not to mention all primes. Not sure about scythe, but it is probably impossible in a staff. I wonder why, though. Maybe I am wrong.
Another interesting thing is, and this is something that you probably noticed, that in most cases the gold value is even. Odd gold values are less common. But not all odd numbers are obviously primes. Here's the list of primes if you are curious. I cut the numbers starting from 700, because they are no items like this in the game. Or I am not going to find items like this, to be exact π
And here's the collection. This is the result of a one year casual play. Next year I plan on taking my NF character around Prophecies NM, so will see what kind of items will be found in the process.
The daggers are in the middle, because it was the only gold item that was found. But my favorite is the Smiting Rod. The Holy Grail would be a matching double mod wand, all primes π¦ππ