[Closed] Many faction OS

  • Hello, selling all of the below up to 05.03, highest offer wins, after that deleting, no r/b no b/o. GL

    Reinforced Bucklers:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q11 Tac-2 ench+10 ogre364
    2Q13 Tac+10 fire+30 HP404
    3Q12 Tac+45 stance-2 stance288
    4Q11 Tac+10 demon-2 ench256
    5Q10 Tac+10 ogre-2 ench224
    6Q12 Tac-2 ench+10 demon332
    7Q9 Tac-2 ench+10 cold4082a
    8Q11 Tac+10 demon+44 HP ench412

    Bladed shields:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q13 Str+10 earth-2 ench220
    2Q11 TacAir magic +1 20%+30 HP2202a
    3Q13 Str-2 ench+10 lightning380
    4Q12 Tac-2 ench+10 dragon216

    Iridescent Aegis:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q12 Str+10 blunt-2 ench220
    2Q12 Str+10 plants+30 HP252
    3Q9 Tac-2 ench+10 fire3162a

    Spiked targes:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q9 Str+45 HP ench+10 fire268
    2Q13 Tac-2 ench+10 pierce260
    3Q9 Tac+10 cold+45 HP ench296
    4Q12 Tac-2 ench+10 earth224

    Skeleton shields:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q11 Tac-2 ench+10 slashing216
    2Q9 Tac+10 plants-2 ench364
    3Q10 TacEarth magic +1 19%+30 HP208
    4Q12 Tac+10 plants-2 ench208
    5Q12 Tac+45 stance-2 stance212

    Gothic Defenders:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q13 Str-2 ench+10 cold248

    Ornate shields:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q9 Tac+10 ogres+30 HP364


    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q12 Str-2 ench+10 demon220
    2Q10 Str+10 dragon-2 ench224
    3Q12 Str+10 ogres-2 ench280
    4Q9 Str+10 dragon-2 ench288
    5Q9 StrDom +1 19%+45 HP ench212

    Bronze shields:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q13 Str+45 HP ench-2 ench304
    2Q13 Str-2 ench+45 HP ench352
    3Q12 TacDom +1 19%+45 HP ench436
    4Q12 Tac+10 demon-2 ench392
    5Q13 Str-2 ench+45 HP ench228
    6Q13 Tac+10 earth-2 ench252

    Tall shields:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q9 Tac+30 HPBlood +1 20%26010e
    2Q13 Tac-2 ench+10 pierce392
    3Q10 TacCurses +1 19%+30 HP388
    4Q12 Tac-2 ench+45 HP ench404
    5Q11 Tac-2 ench+10 slashing292
    6Q13 Tac+10 earth-2 ench260
    7Q10 Tac-2 ench+10 lightning220
    8Q13 Tac-2 ench+10 ogres320
    9Q11 Tac+10 cold+30 HP220


    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q10 Tac-2 ench+10 plants284
    2Q9 Tac-2 ench+10 blunt236
    3Q12 Tac+45 HP ench-2 ench216
    4Q9 Tac+10 ogres+45 HP ench224
    5Q13 Tac+45 HP ench+10 earth280
    6Q13 Tac+44 HP ench+10 demon228
    7Q12 Tac+10 cold+45 HP ench284

    Shield of the wing:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q9 Tac-2 ench+10 cold2202a
    2Q12 Tac-2 ench+10 dragon208
    3Q9 Tac+10 dragon-2 ench324

    Ornate Buckler:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q13 Tac+45 HP ench-2 ench388
    2Q9 Tac+45 HP ench-2 ench240
    3Q12 Tac+44 HP ench+10 demon336
    4Q13 Tac-2 stance+45 stance204
    5Q10 Tac+45 stance-2 stance212
    6Q10 Tac+30 HP+1 divine 19%280

    Round shields:

    IDQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q9 Tac-2 ench+10 ogre204
    2Q12 Tac-2 ench+10 dragon216
    3Q13 Tac-2 ench+10 cold256
    4Q9 Tac-2 ench+10 dragon212
    5Q9 Tac+45 stance-2 stance220
    6Q13 Tac-2 ench+10 slash224
    7Q13 Tac+10 blunt-2 ench216
    8Q10 Tac+10 plant-2 ench212
    9Q13 Tac+10 ogre-2 ench208
    10Q12 Tac+10 cold+30 HP248
    11Q11 TacInspi +1 19%+30 HP216
    12Q12 Tac-2 ench+10 ogre296
    13Q11 Tac-2 ench+10 demon272
    14Q10 Tac-2 ench+10 plant232
    15Q10 Tac-2 ench+10 cold308


    IDSkinQMod 1Mod 2Gold valueCurrent Offer
    1Voltaic wandQ11 ESHalf recharge earth 20%+5 ene ench208
    2Voltaic wandQ9 ESHalf recharge fire 20%+5 ene ench308
    3Deadly cestaQ10 DeathHalf cast death 20%Half recharge death 20%252

    BO staves:

    IDQModGold valueCurrent Offer
    1Q11 Air20% half cast Air408
    2Q12 Death20% half cast Death308
    3Q12 Blood20% half cast Blood236
    4Q10 Divine20% half cast Divine31650e
    5Q12 Death20% half cast Death260
    6Q13 Channeling20% half cast Channel204
    7Q11 Spawning20% half cast Spawning268
    8Q11 Spawning20% half cast Spawning376
    9Q11 Death20% half cast Death264
    10Q10 Water20% half cast Water248
    11Q13 Death20% half cast Death208
    12Q13 Divine20% half cast Prot208
    13Q13 Smite10% half cast344
    14Q12 Smite10% half cast232
    15Q9 Smite10% half cast260
    16Q9 Smite10% half cast220
    17Q11 Smite10% half cast320
    18Q12 Smite10% half cast364
    19Q10 Smite10% half cast288
    20Q11 Smite10% half cast312
    21Q9 Smite10% half cast252
    22Q10 Smite10% half cast224
    23Q11 Smite10% half cast224
    24Q9 Smite10% half cast224
    25Q11 Smite10% half cast360
    26Q10 Smite10% half cast220
    27Q12 Smite10% half cast304
    28Q12 Smite10% half cast220
    29Q12 Smite10% half cast208
    30Q9 Smite10% half cast232
    31Q10 Smite10% half cast336
    32Q9 Smite10% half cast224

    Edited 2 times, last by friendly fire (February 29, 2024 at 2:17 PM).

  • Marty Silverblade May 11, 2024 at 2:15 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Many faction OS” to “[Closed] Many faction OS”.