pc old items (closed)
Hades -
April 24, 2024 at 11:37 AM -
The shadow bow, SWS, oni blade, storm artifact, plague daggers and shadow staff are all prenerf. Value would probably go: daggers > long sword > shadow bow/storm artifact/oni > the other prenerfs > the rest.
Exact values would just need to be determined by auction. I'd probably merch the celestial shield.
See these threads for more info: Prenerf
Worth a look as you likely have other non-gold items that would be worth something too. -
San might can give u a accurate pc on the daggers
Me personally am interested into the shadowstaff. Let me know via pm or tag me in the auction if u sell it.
I bought similar ones for ~20a -
I buy same daggers 250a few weeks ago.
Dont sell in pm.
ill take a look on other stuff later
San might can give u a accurate pc on the daggers
Me personally am interested into the shadowstaff. Let me know via pm or tag me in the auction if u sell it.
I bought similar ones for ~20aDaggers 200-300a. Plague is one of the more common skins
Buys stilettos from a returning player for 250a and pc’s plagueborn daggers, the least sought after dagger skin for 200-300a. This is all reeking of the price checks on minipets. People price checking them significantly higher than market value because they own one themselves. Oh San and your shadow works.
PC: 150a is a normal expectation for these. Sans inflated price check is due to the fact he owns atleast 1 pair, probably more, doesn’t need them, and has plans to sell in the future.
Y’all are shady including you mango, with your freshly acquired plagues. No way you paid 250 I can guarentee it
Buys stilettos from a returning player for 250a and pc’s plagueborn daggers, the least sought after dagger skin for 200-300a. This is all reeking of the price checks on minipets. People price checking them significantly higher than market value because they own one themselves. Oh San and your shadow works.
PC: 150a is a normal expectation for these. Sans inflated price check is due to the fact he owns atleast 1 pair, probably more, doesn’t need them, and has plans to sell in the future.
Y’all are shady including you mango, with your freshly acquired plagues. No way you paid 250 I can guarentee it
The Stilletos cost more than that. And I don't own more than 1 pair of plagues. I would value even Onis to be 250a these days. Blame inflation.
thanks all, can be closed
May 1, 2024 at 7:09 PM Changed the title of the thread from “pc old items” to “pc old items (closed)”. -
Marty Silverblade
May 2, 2024 at 12:42 AM Closed the thread.