Has anyone seen 20/20 of these two? And if there is one to sell, how much would it go for?

OS wooden/stone chakram
Nah dont think one exists, its impossible to find even any dual mod for sale so impossible to guess value.
no one is botting... umm farming where either of these could drop, nor is there big interest or awareness in the open market, and even if they were they were incredibly unlikely to come by. so I doubt we will see one of them anytime soon. similar issues with other foci like claw grim cesta which would be even harder to come by... If one would drop and be sold only an auction would set a value... due to low popularity I'd guess anything in between 50 and 2000a. look at the matching q9 20/20 dead staff... low popularity, equally rare as a bo staff matching and an unbotted territory where it drops. so based on availability it should be waaaaay beyond a matching bo staff, yet bids do not come beyond 6a so far.
Doesnt dead staff drop at gates of kryta mission?
Well Red, I think most of the value from 20/20 staves is the attribute. A 20/20 communing dead staff wont sell for much, but protection/domination/fire are some of the more popular attributes that tend to sell for a higher price. Additionally the skin of Dead Staff is a bit meh compared to Bo Staff, which also impacts the price and/or desire for players to have one.
Dead staves do drop in GoK mission, but they only drop from casters. So if all you do is the farm to the left once you enter, there will be a total of 3 necromancers that will attack you. Considering the odds of a gold drop and “only” from 3 out of 30-40(?) mobs in total. You can kill more but most people really only farm the melee mobs there iirc (been ages since I did it myself on HM so cant really help).
As for Stone/Wooden Chakram, I have tried farming these a lot, and was only ever lucky enough to drop 2-3 in total during all my GW career (15-17 years with breaks etc) and they were all single mod. -
Dead staves do drop in GoK mission, but they only drop from casters.
from chests too
Well Red, I think most of the value from 20/20 staves is the attribute. A 20/20 communing dead staff wont sell for much, but protection/domination/fire are some of the more popular attributes that tend to sell for a higher price. Additionally the skin of Dead Staff is a bit meh compared to Bo Staff, which also impacts the price and/or desire for players to have one.
A q9 Death Magic 20/20 Dead Staff should be one of those more popular attributes, if not the 'ultimate' attribute for a dead staff because of the matching name, despite the fact that fire or domination would probably sell for more. and as Red said there aren't many bids going on, price is much lower than Bo staffs, despite Bos being much more common. I remember Pleikki paid 250e for one of the same stats like 8-9 years ago which was probably one of the higher prices a post-nerf dead staff has sold for. most people just don't seem to care about the skin or just aren't aware of its rarity.
Decided to do some gargoyles and this was the first run (and it was all they had, plenty of 0 gold runs after xd)
Click to Identify this into a 20/20 Wooden Chakram
Decided to do some gargoyles and this was the first run (and it was all they had, plenty of 0 gold runs after xd)
Click to Identify this into a 20/20 Wooden Chakram