• Heya, I was wondering where the Q7 weapons dropped back in the day?

    found a thread in which was mentioned, that q7 armor 15 shields drop from lvl 15-18 enemies nowadays, was that the lvl range for q7 max items back then?

    Also why did Axes and Hammers drop in Q7 but Bows for example didnt? And why do only swords, shields and foci still drop in q8, when the reason for the nerf was pvp balancing?

    And as the last question:

    which axe and hammer skins did actually drop in q7? i didnt see many even in high end collections of you.

    super excited to get some answers on those questions x)

  • A. Heya, I was wondering where the Q7 weapons dropped back in the day?

    B. Also why did Axes and Hammers drop in Q7 but Bows for example didnt? And why do only swords, shields and foci still drop in q8, when the reason for the nerf was pvp balancing?

    A. I remember in 2006 getting a chaos axe q8 6-28 from a chest run in fow.

    So I bet q7 you can get from below shiverpeak chest and drops by monster.

    now the fow normal chest not ever drop any q8 in any case.

    B. I think the reason was with the introduction of Hard mode.

  • And summoned red can fix the answers / answer better :D

    Edited once, last by Pleikki (June 8, 2024 at 9:38 AM).

  • I set thos thread aside to answer, but never came around to do so. so basically the q8 back then was the q9 of today. roundabout. the q0 back then was tge q0 today. everything in between is stretched in a linear way, but the values of damage ranges etc. are distinct integers, so linearization necessarily leads to rounding, which is why some more weapon types could generate a max damage at the same time as a q7. so far on that.

    you can tell by the range of values of the identified items what the range of the unidentified ones must have been and by that again what mob - or more precisely what level of drop source would have dropped them. sadly it is very unlikely for the upper range of the limit to occur which makes that a hard to find value. but I did scan many collections and found identified q7s in a range thus that the underlaying value range exactly matches the one of todays q8s. and they consequently were able to drop on the same level of drop source, which is 16-20. with that there have been plenty mobs in the respective ranges, you can look them all up, but all core skins can have dropped as well as most the skins that are specific to a mob type (like dead staff for undead), where a mob in the required level range exists. on top there have been keyless chests in the relevant range in riverside province that could have generated pretty much ALL the wepon skins in max q7, but they weren't popular, the pool was immense and the chance for a max q7 like the chance for a q8 today. so best run a couple thousand sf chests today to get a feel of how unlikely that'd be.

    now the different weapon types have slightly different ranges of unid value they could drop as max q7s: the "max" statement gives a weapon-type-specific range of unid values that sets the lower border and the "q7" statement gives a range that sets the upper border. so the lower limit is type-dependent, whilst the upper limit is identical.

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • I set thos thread aside to answer, but never came around to do so. so basically the q8 back then was the q9 of today. roundabout. the q0 back then was tge q0 today. everything in between is stretched in a linear way, but the values of damage ranges etc. are distinct integers, so linearization necessarily leads to rounding, which is why some more weapon types could generate a max damage at the same time as a q7. so far on that.

    you can tell by the range of values of the identified items what the range of the unidentified ones must have been and by that again what mob - or more precisely what level of drop source would have dropped them. sadly it is very unlikely for the upper range of the limit to occur which makes that a hard to find value. but I did scan many collections and found identified q7s in a range thus that the underlaying value range exactly matches the one of todays q8s. and they consequently were able to drop on the same level of drop source, which is 16-20. with that there have been plenty mobs in the respective ranges, you can look them all up, but all core skins can have dropped as well as most the skins that are specific to a mob type (like dead staff for undead), where a mob in the required level range exists. on top there have been keyless chests in the relevant range in riverside province that could have generated pretty much ALL the wepon skins in max q7, but they weren't popular, the pool was immense and the chance for a max q7 like the chance for a q8 today. so best run a couple thousand sf chests today to get a feel of how unlikely that'd be.

    now the different weapon types have slightly different ranges of unid value they could drop as max q7s: the "max" statement gives a weapon-type-specific range of unid values that sets the lower border and the "q7" statement gives a range that sets the upper border. so the lower limit is type-dependent, whilst the upper limit is identical.

    Is there any difference today on level range of foes dropping max items? Can lvl16 drop drop max dmg hammer for example if it can drop max sword

  • I set thos thread aside to answer, but never came around to do so. so basically the q8 back then was the q9 of today. roundabout. the q0 back then was tge q0 today. everything in between is stretched in a linear way, but the values of damage ranges etc. are distinct integers, so linearization necessarily leads to rounding, which is why some more weapon types could generate a max damage at the same time as a q7. so far on that.

    you can tell by the range of values of the identified items what the range of the unidentified ones must have been and by that again what mob - or more precisely what level of drop source would have dropped them. sadly it is very unlikely for the upper range of the limit to occur which makes that a hard to find value. but I did scan many collections and found identified q7s in a range thus that the underlaying value range exactly matches the one of todays q8s. and they consequently were able to drop on the same level of drop source, which is 16-20. with that there have been plenty mobs in the respective ranges, you can look them all up, but all core skins can have dropped as well as most the skins that are specific to a mob type (like dead staff for undead), where a mob in the required level range exists. on top there have been keyless chests in the relevant range in riverside province that could have generated pretty much ALL the wepon skins in max q7, but they weren't popular, the pool was immense and the chance for a max q7 like the chance for a q8 today. so best run a couple thousand sf chests today to get a feel of how unlikely that'd be.

    now the different weapon types have slightly different ranges of unid value they could drop as max q7s: the "max" statement gives a weapon-type-specific range of unid values that sets the lower border and the "q7" statement gives a range that sets the upper border. so the lower limit is type-dependent, whilst the upper limit is identical.

    Can still find old videos of people griffon farming back before the nerf. They were level 21, and they dropped q7.


  • I set thos thread aside to answer, but never came around to do so. so basically the q8 back then was the q9 of today. roundabout. the q0 back then was tge q0 today. everything in between is stretched in a linear way, but the values of damage ranges etc. are distinct integers, so linearization necessarily leads to rounding, which is why some more weapon types could generate a max damage at the same time as a q7. so far on that.

    you can tell by the range of values of the identified items what the range of the unidentified ones must have been and by that again what mob - or more precisely what level of drop source would have dropped them. sadly it is very unlikely for the upper range of the limit to occur which makes that a hard to find value. but I did scan many collections and found identified q7s in a range thus that the underlaying value range exactly matches the one of todays q8s. and they consequently were able to drop on the same level of drop source, which is 16-20. with that there have been plenty mobs in the respective ranges, you can look them all up, but all core skins can have dropped as well as most the skins that are specific to a mob type (like dead staff for undead), where a mob in the required level range exists. on top there have been keyless chests in the relevant range in riverside province that could have generated pretty much ALL the wepon skins in max q7, but they weren't popular, the pool was immense and the chance for a max q7 like the chance for a q8 today. so best run a couple thousand sf chests today to get a feel of how unlikely that'd be.

    now the different weapon types have slightly different ranges of unid value they could drop as max q7s: the "max" statement gives a weapon-type-specific range of unid values that sets the lower border and the "q7" statement gives a range that sets the upper border. so the lower limit is type-dependent, whilst the upper limit is identical.

    Is there any difference today on level range of foes dropping max items? Can lvl16 drop drop max dmg hammer for example if it can drop max sword

    If I got this from lvl 15, lvl 16 for sure drop max items, or maybe I confused.

  • Is there any difference today on level range of foes dropping max items? Can lvl16 drop drop max dmg hammer for example if it can drop max sword

    since the min value for a max damage item is type-dependent there can be a difference: lvl 15 goes up to 31g, lvl 16 up to 35g, lvl 17 up to 39 and all the type dependent min values for max damages of the q8 possible types is in this scope. some of the other weapon types however start dropping at 36,37 or even 38g for max ones, which means those indeed cannot drop on lvl 16. so a lvl 16 mob cannot drop a max damage axe, hammer, bow, dagger...

    but for realistic measures: only a max q8 foc, maybe even a shield have realistic chances to drop on lvl 16 as max q8, sword already is in the 1 in 10s of billions chance.

    Can still find old videos of people griffon farming back before the nerf. They were level 21, and they dropped q7.

    do you have a link to such a vid, where a q7 drops? or a screen from back in the day? I did try to find some but had no success - same as today for q8s on them - hearing they do drop, but never seen a drop.

    If I got this from lvl 15, lvl 16 for sure drop max items, or maybe I confused.

    that one is pretty far off max and actually a rather low value one (10-21g unid, by the ident value and the min further restricted by the info it dropped on lvl15 to 17g, so a rather low value ine within their range one, which is more common. the very high value ones are immensely rare - depending on lvl and unid value range a max value one can have a chance as low as 0.005% - that is 1 in 20k items.). this one certainly does not prove or disprove anything concerning max damage hammers on lvl 16.

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

    Edited 2 times, last by Red Fireball (August 7, 2024 at 10:09 AM).

  • Don't think I can find you a video of a q7 dropping specifically. But here is a video showing that the griffons were level 21:

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    Can guarantee you they dropped q7s. Was the first q7 drop I ever got. One of those things you never forget.


  • Urgoz aye - I watched many of those nostalgic videos, but never found one with a q7 drop. what was the said q7 drop - prp foc? do you have a screen still? was it max certainly? was it purple or gold certainly? I mean lvl21 has been suspected to drop q8s still and even on the theory side there might be room for that, just it'd be very unlikely, so I'd want a screen and ideally the item. I couldn't get one despite more than 100k kills... on more than 500 gold and purple items dropped none was q8 regardless max or nonmax damage. white or blue would be a different story.

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • It was a gold q7 tact 16AR Round Shield, +35ench single modder. Unfortunately, I've gotten like 5 new computers since 2006 and no screen still exists. All I can say for sure is that I know for a fact it dropped off a Desert Griffon. Specifically, it dropped off the group near Featherfist.


  • Is there any difference today on level range of foes dropping max items? Can lvl16 drop drop max dmg hammer for example if it can drop max sword

    since the min value for a max damage item is type-dependent there can be a difference: lvl 15 goes up to 31g, lvl 16 up to 35g, lvl 17 up to 39 and all the type dependent min values for max damages of the q8 possible types is in this scope. some of the other weapon types however start dropping at 36,37 or even 38g for max ones, which means those indeed cannot drop on lvl 16. so a lvl 16 mob cannot drop a max damage axe, hammer, bow, dagger...

    but for realistic measures: only a max q8 foc, maybe even a shield have realistic chances to drop on lvl 16 as max q8, sword already is in the 1 in 10s of billions chance.

    Can still find old videos of people griffon farming back before the nerf. They were level 21, and they dropped q7.

    Thanks for reply red!

    i do wonder with these comments if the level/req/dmg curve was rigged at some point, if the curve was flatter allowing lower foes drop max items and higher to drop q7/8s.

    I do belive on red point tho if not single even nonmax q8 have been proven drop from lvl21 last years that it shouldnt be possible nowadays.. getting max one is unlikely but as stated even nonmax would indicate possibility hmm.

  • Wish I still had the screenshot. But I can 100% guarantee Desert Griffon dropped max q7 shield. Used to talk to my brother and guild mates about desert griffons all the time after it happened. Anecdotal evidence, but it happened nonetheless

    This matches my experience i am 99.9% certain i got a q8 Max shield from griffons post nervt, like we discussed a few months ago in discord Red Fireball