New Items 03.03.2025 - Old Items Ready for Delivery
sw3: c/o: 20a Mango r/b: 35a
SH1 c/o:
SH2 c/o:
SH3 c/o:
SH4 c/o:
SH5 c/o:
SH6 c/o: 3a gdyb
SH7 c/o:
SH8 c/o: - Sold Ingame
Superior Charr Carvings Set - 120e/Set
Diessa Chalice Set - 5a/Set
Rin Relic Set - 3a/Set
For Pickup - Ready for Delivery
sw4: c/o: 3a MrMekas r/b reached - will be sold soon (need ign)
sh1: c/o: 2a Nirolo r/b: reached - will be sold soon (need ign)
sh2: c/o: 6a Nooice r/b: reached - will be sold soon
sh4: c/o: 10a Elite Trader D r/b: reached - will be sold soon (need ign)
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