- Official Post
This or That?
No to the sprinkles. Have never been a fan of them!
Creme or Jelly filled?
- Official Post
Chocolate frosted or other frosting (please specify as I'm curious)
strawberry frosted jelly donuts are great, its a summer thing at one local shop
Chain donut shop (dunkin, crispy creme, etc)
Local donut shop (not a big chain, 'mom and pop' bakery)
Summer or winter vacation? -
- Official Post
winter...I can go someplace warmer
go out for new years eve or stay at home with significant other?
It’s too far past my bed time ;). Stay home.
Elf on the shelf: Cute or Creepy -
- Official Post
Mobile/streaming game (Netflix but with videogames) or fixed location (pc/console)
Definitely fixed location. I've never been big on playing games on my phone.
Discover aliens in our lifetime or would you rather not?
Oh, really cool question.
I'd rather not. The possible implications and repercussions are too iffy.
Snickers or Mars?If that's too tough, the eternal Canadian question: Pepsi or Coke?!
Hufflepuff or ravenclaw
- Official Post
ravenclaw, not really a fan of yellow and black combo
(and for the other one---snickers)
getting a flu shot: yes or no?
no (I get the flu when I get the shot)
prefer constant sneezing or constant coughing?
- Official Post
have done both, sneezing usually means the use of loads of tissues, coughing drinking fluids...so (since I have been doing this for much of the last 15 years anyways---) cough
have your own car or uber
- Official Post
own car (different one every day of the week)
Pets getting their own skill bar like heroes or no?
- Official Post
yes please!!
heroes getting a backpack or minipet/tonic storage (like mat tab)?
- Official Post
Old dyes brought back (but new dyes stay) or a whole new system?
- Official Post
old dyes (never been able to get my monks tats to match ever again).
Staying home for Christmas or traveling (long trip via car or plane)?
- Official Post
staying home.
Family compound (everyone inthe family lives I'm a private gated community)
Or isolation?
- Official Post
isolation ftw
open xmas gifts first thing christmas morning or wait until sometime later in the day (like after dinner)?
- Official Post
first thing in the morning after breakfast
your choice of poultry or ham for Christmas dinner?
Brown or white gravy -
- Official Post
brown (honestly never tried white gravy)
French style green beans or traditional cut?
French style, the best for casserole.
lots of candy or gadgets in stocking -
- Official Post
Tacos over rated or nah?
Tacos under rated. Tip: Never ask that on a Tuesday hehe.
Soft or Hard tacos
I like the crunch of hard but I like the ability to add a lot more to soft so I'm gonna say soft.
Black or pinto beans?
If I have to choose just one, black beans.
New Years resolutions:
Broken in under or over 6 months?
(no resolutions though)Polar bear or penguin?
- Official Post
Teen Titans or Teen titans go?
Teen Titans all the way.
Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield or Tom Holland as Spidder-Man
Okay, ... Jake Johnson from Into the SPider-Verse.Alright, ... Tom Holland.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
- Official Post
I guess everyone was waiting for me to answer:
CHOCOLATE!!! (there was never any chance of anything else)
chocolate candy bar with: coconut or almonds?
Me no like coconut.
Spiderman or Batman? -
Batman just cause I like saying "BATMAAAAN" (Big Bang Theory Reference)
Green Arrow or Green Lantern
- Official Post
Green lantern
Spider gwen or spider ham?
Spider gwen
Gwen or Livia (or Hayda)?
- Official Post
Gwen turned into a Brat after we helped her a lot as a kid.
Try to blend GW1 with modern touches (trade post/aiction house, mission/dungeon/pvp finder)
leave it for nostalgia?
Leave it and invest the energy on GW3 - basically GW1 with modern touches (trade post/aiction house, mission/dungeon/pvp finder) and none of the GW2 stuff.
Ideally, expand on Beyond, if you ask me. -
- Official Post
Leave it and invest the energy on GW3 - basically GW1 with modern touches (trade post/aiction house, mission/dungeon/pvp finder) and none of the GW2 stuff.
Ideally, expand on Beyond, if you ask me.From a game designer POV I would just update & overhaul the engine to update the game as it is now. No need for gw3 like this... GW3 could be like Destiny is, a fpsmmorpg.
Now since we derailed this thread. We'll 3nd this talk here.
Guild wars live action tv show or machinima (red vs blue)