• Hello. I would like to ask for some advice for an investment. Since i am not a big trader but i got a decent amount of arms i would like to invest them in something stable, since i dont want to lose my hardly achieved arms.

    Thank you for any advice.

  • If you want to be sure you're investing in the right items, you need to know what items are limited in the game today. It's easy, though, and you don't need to ask 10,000 questions. The rarer an item is in terms of copies, or the fact that it can no longer be obtained in the game (prenerf), the higher its value is likely to rise over time. Taking into account the time when you could duplicate items. How many Pandas are available today (?) good question, at least not the number Arena created for the players who earned them back then. (But nothing's impossible... who knows if a duplicate doesn't exist today... let's not forget that GW2 also had duplicate)

    The real question is: how much do you have to invest, because these items are expensive. 1k armbraces? 10k armbraces? more? If it's just a few stacks of ectoplasm or one stack of armbraces, it won't be enough. And given the demand and supply, you'll never be able to keep up with the botters who've amassed far more than you over the years. If that's the case, you've already lost out on before starting your investment.

  • I wouldnt invest in minis a month before 20th yo anniversity, eventho its super unlikely they would add someting, its still possible :P Remember so vividly how some ppl spend crazy fortunes on vizus etc before 7th yo anniversity xD

    I'm hoping that when your character turns 20 a panda appears in your inventory.

    ꚛꚙꚛ Ouch My Assassin | Raise R Bladez ꚛꚙꚛ

  • i think there are some left but not as many as it was back with the 7th. And if so not all of them host 25 years old Characters.

    Also its unlikly they add petz becaus what would be the arts of having 15 years between the 7th voucher and the 25th , yet the chance is not 0% but there are not a hole bunch off them left to file the rarity gap between white and green ones.

    And i dont think they release a complete new set with only gold or greens. so even then i would expect a lower drop rate for the more rare ones too.

    Sure they can do Purpel aswell but there would be only 2 left (Grawl and Yeti), compared to other rarity petz like greens and especially gold Petz they would likely become the moste common hits than.

    So it would not change the value that fast, surely it will drop enorm over some time period.