SWS 10/-2e, 5a

Some OS q9 +5 & 15^50 + Perfect OS Wands, q8 Focus! :)
Vizi -
March 11, 2018 at 5:34 PM -
- Official Post
q7/15 Spiked Targe (Tacs) - 85e
R/B is reached on perfect q9 SWS, highest offer will get it -
550e on SWS
6a SWS :cool:
Some slight changes and a couple new B/Os -
Tower Shield (Strength) - B/O 10e
7a SWS
8a SWS
40e 15^50 Felblade
#1 UNDED ONI - 300e ( IGN: The Wolf Auuu )
Added a B/O on SWS and Fellblade -
B/o Sws
SWS will be sold for B/O -
Shining Maul q9 15^50 - B/O
Platinum Blade q9 15^50 - B/O
Gothic +30 -2 - B/O
Tower Shield (Strength) - B/O
Thanks, some items were sold. -
b/o oni
June 6, 2018 at 4:38 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Perfect Summit Warlord, Paper Lantern, Bo Staves, Low reqs shields (Gold, purple, blue), many OS! :)” to “GOLD q7/15 Tall shield, 20/20 Staves (Bo, Canthan,..) , Low reqs shields (Gold, purple, blue), many OS! :)”. -
b/o paper lantern
Updated prices and sold some stuff! -
- Aegis q8/16 > 1 a
- Tall Shield q7/15 gold > 225 e
- Oaken Aegis q7/15 > 5a (considered as B/O for this price ?)
- Adamantine q7/15 > 1a
- Crude Shield q6/14 > B/O
Tall shield q7/15 gold and other things are sold. -
June 15, 2018 at 12:26 AM Changed the title of the thread from “GOLD q7/15 Tall shield, 20/20 Staves (Bo, Canthan,..) , Low reqs shields (Gold, purple, blue), many OS! :)” to “20/20 Staves (Bo, Canthan,..) , q6/14 q7/15 q8/16 Low reqs shields (purple, blue), many OS! :)”. -
#7 BO STAFF q10 20/20 DF - B/O 55e
#8 BONECAGE SCYTHE q10 - B/O 60eIll grab these
June 18, 2018 at 4:43 PM Changed the title of the thread from “20/20 Staves (Bo, Canthan,..) , q6/14 q7/15 q8/16 Low reqs shields (purple, blue), many OS! :)” to “q10 VS, q6/14 q7/15 q8/16 Low reqs shields (purple, blue), many OS! :)”. -
b/o white reaver
Will close the thread soon. -
Skeleton Shield (Tacs) - B/O 85e
Thanks. -
Last bump before whole new thread!
July 8, 2018 at 3:30 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q10 VS, q6/14 q7/15 q8/16 Low reqs shields (purple, blue), many OS! :)” to “Prenerf items, low req daggers/axes/swords, Inscr (VS, Cele..), Celestial Miniatures!...”. -
Removed all previous items and added a bunch of new ones!
Low req OS weapons, miniatures, prenerf items, etc.! -
20e on that +1e staff head haharetract, droped one myself
I'd purchase a Dagnar Stoneplace and Black Beast of Aargh if you happen to have them.
ign : btch storage
I’ll take 1 of each cele minis you have. Are they also 25k/ea?
Jitte q9 15^50 - B/O 125e
Smexy Senile Trader
Added B/Os on Celestial miniatures and an option to chose any gold miniature -
20e on the kamas q6 (6-13) 15wE.
I honestly have no idea what they are worth.
IGN:Kala Ronge
Added B/Os on most of my stuff -
50e narutard rune