• Anyone think it would be feasible that Guild Wars could be updated using the GW2 game engine?

    Over the life of GW2, so many of the original character models have been remade (the Mursaat just recently) and if the trend continues, the majority of the work would be done without having to add extra manpower and resources. I'm not talking about updating GW to GW2 mechanics as I prefer the original style in every way, but a mini pet storage would be nice. :P

    So is it a crazy idea? Would it make sense for them financially? Would it draw more of the GW2 crowd to the original, or maybe new players in general as a new game?

  • well, I think that horse has left the building for good...the impression I get from them is 'we wish gw would go away' so doubtful that anything other than minor updates (which they said --maintenance--) would ever happen (remember we are still waiting for the ranger and monk updates and the elona arc of the wik woc, not to mention the end of the evinna and adelburn stories).
    Personally I think the character models of gw2 are hideous--the woman all look like pie faced does and the costumes (yes costumes) look more like something from mardi gras. I like gw characters they look right (ok the female ele's neck is a bit too long but other wise---), wish there were more options for hairstyles and color (especially for monk) but ....

    as for answering your questions: yes it is crazy, no it would not make financial sense and the last question, maybe.

  • Converting GW1 to run on the GW2 engine is going to take a hell of a lot more than just updating character models. In fact, that's almost certainly a triviality compared to all of the other systems that'll need translating. Doing it the other way - putting the newer models into GW1 - would be more feasible but stylistically it wouldn't work, putting aside the fact they have zero motivation to work on GW1 at all.

  • Quote

    So is it a crazy idea?

    Oh, yes, definitively ! I love it !


    Would it make sense for them financially?

    Nope !
    Wait... perhaps !


    Would it draw more of the GW2 crowd to the original, or maybe new players in general as a new game?

    Dont know, dont care, hope it ! :)

    My goods fellows, make better textures, better 3d models, better animations (the Lich and Shiro are sooooo ridiculous !), and extend the campaign to other countries, this is a dream, a child dream !
    Unfortunally, i'm 40 ! :D
    But i dont care ! I think thers so much to do, to say about GW !
    I want to write a new campaign, taking place before the Searing, with a system of frontiere between places occupied by the Charrs and those wo are kept by Humans (Kuku/Lulu's styles).
    i'd love to see the Shiverpeaks before the conflict between the Dwarves, explore Borlis without the storm...

    There was so much to do, so many avenues to explore, so many unusual equipment, so many gaps to fill ...

    I have been so dispointed by GWEN (boring circle farming) and GW Beyond (Dispite somme very good ideas, the difficults was aberrant !! :s )
    And when i finaly tasted GW2, i look at myself like i am finally cheated !

    So, i dont think that Anet will, one day, released the GW that they initially want, their child dream is gone...
    Unless a burst of pride, and find their balls, we never seen this, instead of doing it by ourselfs !! (Impossible is not French, you know that ? :D )

    Sorry for my bad english !

    Rurick ! No !

  • Anyone think it would be feasible that Guild Wars could be updated using the GW2 game engine?

    Over the life of GW2, so many of the original character models have been remade (the Mursaat just recently) and if the trend continues, the majority of the work would be done without having to add extra manpower and resources. I'm not talking about updating GW to GW2 mechanics as I prefer the original style in every way, but a mini pet storage would be nice. :P

    So is it a crazy idea? Would it make sense for them financially? Would it draw more of the GW2 crowd to the original, or maybe new players in general as a new game?

    How hard I would want it - chances for it are very slim. Very slim indeed.
    The best thing they could do is backport features from GW2 into GW1, but during the development of GW2 they didn't do that, so I wouldn't see why they would do it now. Features like windowed fullscreen shouldn't be that hard to implement.

    The big issue is that the knowledge of the GW1 engine, even though it's the basis of the GW2 engine, is kinda rare in ArenaNet, with probably only Joe Kimmes as the only one who really has in-depth knowledge of it. When they added the Balthazar weapons for the 10th anniversary, they explicitly said that it "was fun to revisit the GW1 asset pipeline", as it is something they didn't do in years.
    Next to that, the styles of the game are completely different. Many times the models of GW1 are quite a lot more detailed compared to the models of GW2. - perhaps not in terms of polygons, but in details. Take for example the Fiery Dragon Sword - it looks a LOT better in GW1 and in GW2 it's simply cartoonish. The styles of the game don't blend at all.
    The big issue with porting GW1 to the GW2 engine is that the GW2 engine has cut out many things that made GW1 unique: the way missions work is nowhere to be found in GW2, the combat is completely overhauled and doesn't even support elemental damage, the armor system/classes are different, there are no heroes in the game/henchmen, the secondary profession system, ... It would be a MASSIVE undertaking to port GW1 to the GW2 engine, and I much rather would like them see just updating the GW1 engine instead. By moving GW1 to the GW2 engine you'd have to reimplement all the mechanics again.

    I would love a mini pet storage, though years ago (around the fourth anniversary!) they said that adding more storage was unlikely as it would require new servers - however, I don't think that's quite an issue nowadays. They should have simply added the option to grab a copy of any minipet you had in your HoM when they introduced it. With the customization of them in the beginning, this was 1000% feasible, but instead they made it attuned...
    Oh well..

    But no, it would make no sense at all for them to do so - they've got another game that they're fully supporting and GW1 is on the lifeline, though I have to be honest and praise ArenaNet - they're keeping a game up and running, even maintaining it and doing some patching without gaining anything from it - I highly doubt that GW1 still covers cost.

  • i just want to understand :
    What happens in Anet after Nightfall ?

    We have a company who have made a good game, good mechanics, great univers, and, suddently, they give up, and made a theme park extension (GWEN).

    Whats happens ? they loste their minds ? the founding fathers suddently go mad ? They all lost their balls at the same times ?
    Or inflated by pride and greed, corrupted by the Great Evil Capitalism :p , they lost their mind and decide to give up GW1 and raise a new child : GW2

    This is mistery for me !

    Rurick ! No !

  • i just want to understand :
    What happens in Anet after Nightfall ?

    We have a company who have made a good game, good mechanics, great univers, and, suddently, they give up, and made a theme park extension (GWEN).

    Whats happens ? they loste their minds ? the founding fathers suddently go mad ? They all lost their balls at the same times ?
    Or inflated by pride and greed, corrupted by the Great Evil Capitalism :p , they lost their mind and decide to give up GW1 and raise a new child : GW2

    This is mistery for me !

    What probably happened is that they had so many ideas and intentions which they couldn't realize in GW1. From that point, they tried to make a game that would embody those things.
    They had a game that was great, but also frustrating at some points for them as devs:
    * It was a nightmare to balance and quite hard to create new and unique skills
    * They shoehorned themselves into adding 2 new classes with every release, which became quite hard
    * Every release they needed to add more and more skills to the old professions + complete new ones
    * The engine had it's limitations
    * They wanted to add more races, but that would require tons of work since you could go back to other campaigns (armors, animations, cinematics would need to be modified)
    * They talked about adding mounts, which wouldn't work.
    * They had locked themselves in a 6 month release cadence
    * They had the possibility now to do things they couldn't before, as they had a lot more money compared to when they started the company.

    Combine all that together and it becomes clear why they changed things: the things we as players like are not always the things that are easy to implement. Some systems might be nightmarish!
    I just think it's a combination of everything and a desire to do something new. When they announced that they were starting with GW2, they already had worked 7 years on GW2 (even though it only released in 2005, it had been in development for 5 years).

    I still think they're enthousiastic for the game they've built and still like it, but also see it as something in the past. With season 3 they are really going back to the Guild Wars 1 lore, bringing the White Mantle back, Mursaat, the Forgotten and so on. It's obvious that they still like their first game, but we also need to realize that they haven't got the manpower to run 2 games. When they decided to go for GW2, they knew they had to end GW1. But they didn't do that at once - we got support (and even new content) until the last minute they could - the Live team was pulled a year before release I think, but they gave us 3 fantastic releases that actually are still challenging on hard mode on this day.
    It was never the intention to release any new content after Eye of the North got released, but thanks to Lindsey Murdock and her team (she still works for ArenaNet) we got new content. Which continued when John Stumme took over (he unfortunately doesn't work for ArenaNet anymore). They gave us great content!

    But... if you're working all day long on a game, which you're really proud of, and you don't really have that much time anymore to devote to the original... well, that's kinda what happened. The devs switched over to GW2, of which they're really proud (and it's a good game, just not a good successor for GW1) and on which they work daily. The motivation to work on GW1 is quite a bit smaller, and it simply doesn't have the players anymore it used to have (which is normal, as new content isn't being added). However, they are using the story of the first game, they're adding in small hints to GW1 everywhere now.
    ArenaNet still loves this game, there simply isn't a doubt about that. But the future for them is GW2 and the past is GW1 - but they don't regret the past.
    While they might not support the game 100% anymore, they still run it. Not many companies would do that. This MMO is 11 years old and it's still running - not many MMO's can say that, and there's not a single word about the game getting shut down.
    I'm pretty certain a lot of devs still play the game nearly daily, but if devs would be more active here, would talk more to us, we kinda would expect that the game would get new content. We'd get excited and those things would probably never happen. That's why we have the radio-silence of ArenaNet - not because they're ashamed, but because they've moved on and they don't want to disappoint us.

    That's what I think.

  • Many times the models of GW1 are quite a lot more detailed compared to the models of GW2. - perhaps not in terms of polygons, but in details. Take for example the Fiery Dragon Sword - it looks a LOT better in GW1 and in GW2 it's simply cartoonish. The styles of the game don't blend at all.

    I would have to disagree on some of the models looking less detailed but I absolutely agree on the cartoony aspect of so many of them. I think a lot of it stems from the proportions where you have these giant weapons almost the body length of heroes and shoulder pieces jutting out from armors that do in fact look comical. It feels very WoW/anime influenced.

    Besides some of the assassin armors with the over abundance of blades, most of the armor in GW look feasible (if not practical), just with heavy detailing/ornamentation.

    I know the odds of the game being updated are extremely slim but it's always nice to dream! :)

    I actually gave my opinion on GW2 not too long ago.


  • Quote

    Besides some of the assassin armors with the over abundance of blades, most of the armor in GW look feasible (if not practical), just with heavy detailing/ornamentation.

    It still suffers from rpg syndrome


    Id totally fight armies wearing that irl if i was a girl :P (this isnt an argument against gw1, all rpgs do this xD)

    The models were simpler/less stylized in gw1 as in gw2 imo which makes them look cleaner, dont know if either is better, tbh i like gw2's art style/environment

  • http://s1272.photobucket.com/user/heyjay101…ymh8zv.jpg.html[/img]

    It still suffers from rpg syndrome
    Id totally fight armies wearing that irl if i was a girl :P (this isnt an argument against gw1, all rpgs do this xD)

    The models were simpler/less stylized in gw1 as in gw2 imo which makes them look cleaner, dont know if either is better, tbh i like gw2's art style/environment

    That's actually what I was referring to when I said they weren't practical. Sure you could dress like a harem girl but it's not going to help protect you any. :)

    Imo, the GW2 art style is too over the top as I've said before. Weapons and armor always end up looking cartoon like and completely impractical as you get into the higher armor sets, where people are walking around with crazy lightshows going off and weapons that are three feet wide and seven feet long. All glowing blades and sparkles that feels like it's for younger kids who are into shiny things. :P

    Each to their own I suppose.

    One example of a nice GW2 update was the Primeval armor.

    It's not accurate but I played around with the color to try and make it look a little like the original. This to me is a good example of what an updated GW could've looked like. Too bad they didn't do the elite plate mail too.

  • I read both threads, would love if they just finished the stuff they said they would years ago (updates on ranger, monk, etc and the elona beyond)...would HATE if they put the z-axis stuff (really is not necessary in gw), and if they updated the armor and characters styles with gw2 stuff---I would NOT play it (those are butt f-ing ugly!). I LIKE my ele (even though her neck is too long), I like most of the gw armors (would appreciate it if they did kurzick/luxon armor for paragon and dervish as well as finishing the eye dwarf armor for all classes other than warrior), so I see no need to change them.
    As I have no other idea what HD really means (other than for tv--which I can NOT watch, HD tv makes me ill)...I cant say if I would buy more (as I have alredy multiple complete accounts). And since I still play on an XP computer with a 15" monitor, dont really need anything larger.