****MOD EDIT--DO NOT bump your thread to close it, by doing this you are pushing an open thread off of the first page. In the future you ONLY need to add CLOSED to the title or put CLOSED at the top of the first post!! PLEASE take the time to read the Xunlai Market rules!! ---MOD EDIT****
closed due to a Xunlai Market Violation
3e Spatha
3e Long sword
IGN: Johan Kruimel
BUMP, some weapons sold ig (jade daggers OS gone ,thanks Miss Deelahka for your honesty
Both holy branches OS&Inscr.
PM me forum mail plz, for discuss in-game.
Looking for dying ones
Ill take the battlepick.
<--- IGN
Urgoz flatbow
Kerrsh's staff
Graygore's zealous shortbow
5e each
IGN: Antigone Amidala
grinning recurve bow
ancient hornbow
3e ea
IG Chunky But Funky
voltaic wand q9 energy storage - 5e
Nimbly Crow
Sales up there done, and adding a new item
butterfly mirror q9 inspi
jeweled chalice q9 inspi
IGN : I Miel Luvs You I
Shield of the wing 1e
IGN: Harry Mens
Up, shield of the wing gone
Up, Q9 OS mursaat hornbow 15^50
Mursaat Hornbow OS q9 15^50 -- 50e
5k Q10 storm bow x1.
Dragon's Breath q10fire
Guardian Branch q9earth
Eerie Rod q9 commu
will take these 3
Mursaat Hornbow OS q9 15^50 - 75e
magma shield q12 str, +30hp, ar+9 vs blunt - 25e
holy branch q9 favor 20/20 healing (+1/20 healing) - 15e
ign: Zenedar Shadowfang
Mursaat Hornbow OS q9 15^50 -- 100e
broadsword q9 - 25e
dragon kamas q9
magma arm q9
earth scroll q9
Might take those 3, pm me as usual
up and windblade and ornate spear added
- Official Post
1e each on the Briarwood and Grim scythes. If you've got a zealous scythe mod somewhere let me know.
GLOOM SHIELD q10 tact 3e
ETERNAL SHIELD q13 comm 1e
Thx for the trade. Cheers
Mursaat Hornbow OS q9 15^50 -- 130e
BUMP, OS q9 channeling staff added
BUMP mursaat bow sold
UP with new drops
q9 vabbain defender command 5e
10e for both storm bows.
Hi Ry : Vabbian sold for 30e IG
Hi Buddyleex : sorry they were sold something like 30 mins before your post !
Wintersday update
BUMP with voltaic ...
January 30, 2019 at 1:40 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Gold items (inscr. and OS)” to “TBC To Be Closed”. -
UP, can someone delete it ?
February 2, 2019 at 7:02 AM Closed the thread. -
February 2, 2019 at 7:04 AM Changed the title of the thread from “TBC To Be Closed” to “closed due to a Xunlai Market Violation”.