Hello there, had been collecting through my playing some interesting items as I may see them. Don't know if they will be worth anything, but maybe there are particular collectors of this kind of weapons. Here you go!
Goldleaf Defender (q6 motivation, 14 armor, inscribable, blue)
s/b 1e
c/o 1e Hyndzy
Tower Shield (q8 strength, 16 armor, inscribable, blue)
s/b 1e
c/o 20e abitnippy
Conjuring Staff (q8 Spawning Power, 11-21, 20% HSR, inscribable, purple)
s/b 1e
c/o 25e Agent Chevy
Divine Symbol (q9 Divine Favor, +45 w/e, +10 armor w/hexed, gold)
s/b 1e
c/o ~
Protective Icon (q6 +11 [non max] Protective Prayers, Armor +5 vs. Physical Damage, gold)
s/b 1e
c/o ~
Plagueborn Focus (q9 Fast Casting, Illusion Magic +1 (20%), Armor +10 (vs. Plants), gold)
s/b 1e
c/o 20e Underworld
Crenellated Sword (q9, +5 energy, gold)
s/b 1e
c/o 30e Guardian of Ectos
Inscribed Chakram [Dyeable version] (q10 Domination, inscribable, gold)
s/b 1e
c/o 5e Legendary Lena I
Goldleaf Defender (q0, armor 8, inscribable, blue)
s/b 1e
c/o ~
Thank you for your time!