Insc Q9 max
Stygian Reaver
Eternal shield str 40e
Storm bow 40e
Os Q9 max dmg
Spiked axe 15% stance
Katana 15% stance
Spatha 15% -5e
Ram's Hammer 15% -10 armor
Runic Hammer +5e
Runic Hammer NAKED
Various Mods (1e each)
Barbed axe haft bleeding 33%
Sundering axe haft 20/20 armor pen
Crippling axe haft crippled 33%
Grip of defense +5 armor
Grip of fortitude +30hp
Grip of warding +7 armor vs elem
Grip of shelter +7 armor vs physical
Sundering hammer haft 20/20 armor pen
Heavy hammer haft weakness 33%
Cruel hammer haft deep wound 33%
Zealous hammer haft +1e -1
Grip of fortitude +30hp
Grip of mastery +1 hammer mastery
Grip of enchanting +20% ench
Grip of warding +7 armor vs elem
Grip of defense +5 armor
Zealous sword hilt +1e -1
Furious sword hilt +100% adrenaline 10%
Pommel of fortitude +30 hp