Offers on the rest of the items weren't tempting enough. So thread is closed and all items put back in storage for the rest of days
CLOSED -Q8's for Sale
Shaggy -
July 22, 2019 at 4:52 PM -
July 22, 2019 at 4:59 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Q8's for Sale” to “Q8's for Sale (PreNerf + PostNerf max)”. -
q8 Holy Branch 19hsr (Heal) 9%hct S/B 100e
s/b q8 Eternal Shield
s/b q8 sws if its gold
Bump. Yes, everything listed here is gold.
R/B hit on Gothic Axe. Will sell in 48hours if no other bids.
S/B Gothic Axe
Bumpity Bump, as edited in comment above, the R/B on the Gothic Axe has been hit. Approximately 24hours left until it is taken off auction and sold to Sonya (forget when exactly I sent the 48hr notice lol)
Bump, let's see if I'm able to make more room in my storage 🙂
s/b cele daggers
July 27, 2019 at 1:36 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Q8's for Sale (PreNerf + PostNerf max)” to “Q8's for Sale (PreNerf + PostNerf max) & q13Chaos +5e”. -
s/b holy branch bro
July 27, 2019 at 2:52 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Q8's for Sale (PreNerf + PostNerf max) & q13Chaos +5e” to “Q8's for Sale (PreNerf + PostNerf max) & q13Chaos +5e &q10 Mursaat Hornbow+5e”. -
Bump, added a couple of Items.
q8 Holy Branch 19hsr (Heal) 9%hct S/B 100e
July 28, 2019 at 2:44 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Q8's for Sale (PreNerf + PostNerf max) & q13Chaos +5e &q10 Mursaat Hornbow+5e” to “Q8's for Sale (PreNerf + PostNerf max) & q13Chaos +5e &q10 Mursaat Hornbow+5e&q10 Celestial Shield +30hp”. -
July 28, 2019 at 6:06 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Q8's for Sale (PreNerf + PostNerf max) & q13Chaos +5e &q10 Mursaat Hornbow+5e&q10 Celestial Shield +30hp” to “Q8's for Sale (PreNerf + PostNerf max) & q13Chaos +5e &q10 Mursaat Hornbow+5e&q10 Celestial Shield +30hp&q6Twin Hammer 15-1health”. -
q8 Celestial Daggers 7-16 (15%ench) 100e
2a cele daggers
Bump. Added R/B for q8 eternal. Removed the S/B for a few items. Lowered the R/B for q8 postnerf Jade Wade. Added q8 Celestial Staff +10e 18/10 near max PostNerf(1-2dmg off?)
r/b on q8 Eternal Shield
125e on E-Shield
q8 Holy Branch 19hsr (Heal) 9%hct
Q8 branch
q8 Righteous Maul 14%ench
S/B 100e
20e cele staff
Last bump for the q8 Eternal shield
q8 branch 200e
Bump q8 Eternal Shield has been taken off the thread. The item will be reserved for Chevy (I'll pm ig since you're already on friends list)
3a q8 cele daggers
4a cele daggers
August 21, 2019 at 3:05 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Q8's for Sale (PreNerf + PostNerf max) & q13Chaos +5e &q10 Mursaat Hornbow+5e&q10 Celestial Shield +30hp&q6Twin Hammer 15-1health” to “CLOSED -Q8's for Sale”. -
August 22, 2019 at 5:29 PM Closed the thread.