Hi, i drop this:
But no idea for 10/10 os weapons (spc. for Platinum Wand, Wayward Wand), this is sought? (20/20 is very hard drop of course.. maybe more likely that players seek 10/10).
Thanks for replys.
Hi, i drop this:
But no idea for 10/10 os weapons (spc. for Platinum Wand, Wayward Wand), this is sought? (20/20 is very hard drop of course.. maybe more likely that players seek 10/10).
Thanks for replys.
they are not really wanted - see Here for a recent thread where many were listed. Q9 makes it halfway collectible and skin is nice - I'd assume something in the 25e region
mm ones in chevys thread are high reqs and common skins tho, most ppl buying seek q9 and nicer skins and attris like fire
to right buyer i think this can go 100-250e
q9 10/10 is decent plat wand mods,I call bs on not really wanted tho.
I think you probably can expect like 100e for it.
agree with pleikki
Up! Why not closed? I wait for new thread (+24hrs change title for close and after for closed), not good system. But sure after this post one closed my thread ty.
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