
Keitax -
May 17, 2020 at 3:16 AM -
sb 20e each on SWS vs earth and stance
2a Dead sword
q9 Celestial Axe 15wE 5e
q9 Celestial Hammer 15wE 5e
q9 Chaos Axe 15wS 10e
q9 Shadow Blade 15wE 3e
q9 Shadow Blade 15wS 3e
q9 Katana 15wE 3e
q9 Katana 15wS 3e
IGN Alexa Jaide
q9 Tac SWS -5/19 +28: 5e
q11 Tac SSS -44wS -2wS: 15e
2a on Diamond
4a on diamond aegis
ign Its A Swing Thing
5a on Diamond
5a dead sword
20e grinning recurve bow Q9 15^50
7a on diamond
1a resto shadow
dead sword 6a
May 18, 2020 at 8:20 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q8 Dead Sword ~ OS Shields (Diamond/SWS/SSS) ~ q9 SP/Resto/q12 Dom Shadow Staff 20/20 ~ 15^50/+5E/15wE/15wS Weapons” to “q8 Dead Sword ~ OS Shields (Diamond/SWS) ~ q9 SP/Resto/q12 Dom Shadow Staff 20/20 ~ 15^50/+5E/15wE/15wS Weapons”. -
7a dead sword
dead sword 8a
Dead sword 9a
25e on q12 20/20 dom shadow staff
R/b's are added
dead sword 10a
20e Chaos axe
May 19, 2020 at 10:47 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q8 Dead Sword ~ OS Shields (Diamond/SWS) ~ q9 SP/Resto/q12 Dom Shadow Staff 20/20 ~ 15^50/+5E/15wE/15wS Weapons” to “q8 Dead Sword ~ OS q9S Diamond Aegis 45wS +10 Lightning / q9T SWS -2wS +10 Plant ~ q9 SP/Resto/q12 Dom Shadow Staff 20/20 ~ 15^50/+5E/15wE/15wS Weapons”. -
R/b dead sword
up, dead sword will be sold over 21hrs
30a on q8 Deadsword.
SWS r/b 150e
12a diamond aegis
ign Its A Swing Thing
May 22, 2020 at 8:51 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q8 Dead Sword ~ OS q9S Diamond Aegis 45wS +10 Lightning / q9T SWS -2wS +10 Plant ~ q9 SP/Resto/q12 Dom Shadow Staff 20/20 ~ 15^50/+5E/15wE/15wS Weapons” to “OS q9T Embossed -2wE +10 Demons/q9S Diamond Aegis 45wS +10 Lightning ~ q9 SP/Resto/q12 Dom Shadow Staff 20/20 ~ 15^50/+5E/15wE/15wS Weapons”. -
sold sws/dead sword
added demon embossed/cane
20a embossed
15 while Enchanted
- q9 Jade Axe
- q9 Battle Axe
- q9 Piercing Axe
- q9 Runic Axe
- q9 Spiked Axe
- q9 Summit Axe
- q9 Grinning Dragon Axe
5e/ea Total 35e
q9 Summit Axe - 10e
15 while stance
- q9 Hand Axe
- q9 Great Axe
- q9 Runic Axe
- q9 Battlepick
- q9 Hand Axe (Canthan skin)
- q9 War Axe
5e/ea Total 30e
In Sum 85e
Nimbly Crow
... 35+10+30 = 85 (totally) xD
r/b cane
R/bs added on the demon embossed and cane
25a on Embossed
B/o's added, some lowered
q9 15^50 Shadow Blade - b/o: 3e
q9 15^50 Flamberge - b/o: 3e
Also:30e on dom shadow staff
b/o on spawn/restore shadow staff.
and i would like to retract my 25a bid on embossed.
May 25, 2020 at 10:22 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS q9T Embossed -2wE +10 Demons/q9S Diamond Aegis 45wS +10 Lightning ~ q9 SP/Resto/q12 Dom Shadow Staff 20/20 ~ 15^50/+5E/15wE/15wS Weapons” to “[B/O Added]OS q9T Embossed -2wE +10 Demons/q9S Diamond Aegis 45wS +10 Lightning ~ q9 SP/Resto/q12 Dom Shadow Staff 20/20 ~ 15^50/+5E/15wE/15wS Weapons”. -
b/o cane
40e q12 shadow staff
May 26, 2020 at 6:32 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[B/O Added]OS q9T Embossed -2wE +10 Demons/q9S Diamond Aegis 45wS +10 Lightning ~ q9 SP/Resto/q12 Dom Shadow Staff 20/20 ~ 15^50/+5E/15wE/15wS Weapons” to “OS q9 Earth Ghostly Staff 20/20 ~ OS q9S Diamond Aegis 45wS +10 Lightning ~ 15^50/+5E/15wE/15wS Weapons”. -