Fashion Wars / Show your Character
Nice: that gives me ideas for my rit.
I think I saw your character in Kainang City yesterday! I was like, "wow, that looks just like what-his-names character on the GW forum. Same combo, colors." Even the same glowing hands effect.
Only took me 11 years to come up with a Ritualist armour combination that I loved.
The synergy with the Outcast staff is just...
*chef's kiss*
Yeah super nice combo
Outcast really fits the rit overall
Wanted to share some of my current Chars, let me know what yall think.
Big shoutouts to Xander who i have helped and gotten help from, crafting some amazing looks with over the last year.
This one is not mine but from another player, I took it in my last Heroes' Ascent run after this Terminator approached and killed me.
I haven't see that in a while Not bad
I only play my ranger Shiverpeak Arena these days, but these are my favorite armor weapon combos Style wise! A Ranger should be able to disappear into their surroundings effectively
Req 8-15^50 Dead bow (PvP/ All around bow)
Req8-15^enchanted Zodiac bow- (SoOSC Bow)
Req8-15^50 Storm bow (All around bow)
Req8 +5e Jade Sword with Req9 Ornate buckler- -5/20% +30hp 300GV
Req8 +5e Jade Sword and Req10Ar15 Reinforced buckler -2/wS -2/wH
I wanted a new set for raptor farming, something super Old School with which to remember the old days
I always liked that armor, it's super tank, and the boots are amazing (the boots are my favorite part of the Templar armor), it's like a succession of steel plates mounted one on top of the other and the appearance of toughness is seen in the entire set. The male helmet is the only thing that I don't like though, I prefer the female helmet with the spikes.
I always liked that armor,....,The male helmet is the only thing that I don't like though, I prefer the female helmet with the spikes.
The male Templar helmet is the GW logo also
doesn't mean that it makes it more likeable to you. Just thought I rush in with a random fact
FIRE 🔥 -Dragon sword for raptor farming. Mhhhh
MoP triggers on physical dmg. So either u got a new meta warrior build for that or *sniff sniff* I am smelling something 🐠-y here
The male Templar helmet is the GW logo also
doesn't mean that it makes it more likeable to you. Just thought I rush in with a random fact
FIRE 🔥 -Dragon sword for raptor farming. Mhhhh
MoP triggers on physical dmg. So either u got a new meta warrior build for that or *sniff sniff* I am smelling something 🐠-y here
I admit: I LIED!
Do I have to have a reason to have such a beauty?
This is sick yo
love the aion wings!
Here are some photos of my Monk and Necro. everything is OS except for the Voltaic spear and enameled.
This one is not mine but from another player, I took it in my last Heroes' Ascent run after this Terminator approached and killed me.
This war was Arun
This war was Arun
I don't know who is Arun, but (at least) that's not the name of the character in the picture. If it's another of his characters then no idea, I just took the picture because I liked the armor combo.
I don't know who is Arun, but (at least) that's not the name of the character in the picture.
Arun is a warrior who have rank 15 ha, also he did lot of ha and got same armor it's why some people think it was Arun.
But if im not wrong he don't play (at least for moment) at gw. -
Arun is a warrior who have rank 15 ha, also he did lot of ha and got same armor it's why some people think it was Arun.
But if im not wrong he don't play (at least for moment) at gw.
I had covered the ign for privacy because it was irrelevant to the thread, although I still have the original picture in case you want to confirm it.
EDIT: Okay, we confirmed it's Arun, but the name is from another of his characters indeed.
I had covered the ign for privacy because it was irrelevant to the thread, although I still have the original picture in case you want to confirm it.
EDIT: Okay, we confirmed it's Arun, but the name is from another of his characters indeed.
Upnewmetagamepwns X = Arun.
I don't know why, but as the years have passed I have been liking less and less all the expensive armors. When I started in 2005 and I saw the Obsidian Warrior armor for first time, I thought it was really cool, but now every time I see it, it looks like an inflated barrel with legs (the female version in proportions seems correct to me though) to the point that I don't like to play with the character. I've always found a bit surreal to wear 200kg of armor (immersion issues ~~) and that's probably why I never liked shiny weapons or fantasy armors like the ones you can find in online JRPG games... or even GW2. Same happens with the Obsidian Elementalist armor, I tried dozens of color combinations and I don't like any, it looks ugly with all. The only Obsidian that I find cool is the Ritualist one and the leggins of the Dervish. (Personal opinion, of course, my comment does not represent the general preference, when you are bored in this game after so many years your brain starts looking for other forms of entertainment, some people collect things and in my case I try armor combinations xD)
I've recently been testing combinations with the Warrior that resemble armors in real life, and from the designs available in GW I think the regular Tyrian/Krytan chain mail armor looks pretty good, it's very underrated in my opinion, and it fits with a lot of different weapons. You can even simulate the iron color applying a black + white dye. I think I'm going to delete all the other armors and use this one from now on > . <
I don't know why, but as the years have passed I have been liking less and less all the expensive armors. When I started in 2005 and I saw the Obsidian Warrior armor for first time, I thought it was really cool, but now every time I see it, it looks like an inflated barrel with legs (the female version in proportions seems correct to me though) to the point that I don't like to play with the character. I've always found a bit surreal to wear 200kg of armor (immersion issues ~~) and that's probably why I never liked shiny weapons or fantasy armors like the ones you can find in online JRPG games... or even GW2. Same happens with the Obsidian Elementalist armor, I tried dozens of color combinations and I don't like any, it looks ugly with all. The only Obsidian that I find cool is the Ritualist one and the leggins of the Dervish. (Personal opinion, of course, my comment does not represent the general preference, when you are bored in this game after so many years your brain starts looking for other forms of entertainment, some people collect things and in my case I try armor combinations xD)
I've recently been testing combinations with the Warrior that resemble armors in real life, and from the designs available in GW I think the regular Tyrian/Krytan chain mail armor looks pretty good, it's very underrated in my opinion, and it fits with a lot of different weapons. You can even simulate the iron color applying a black + white dye. I think I'm going to delete all the other armors and use this one from now on > . <
Totally agree about obsidian armor and shiny weapons, helmet apart I always had the same "inflated barrel" feeling about it.
I'm really digging this full chainmail armor, I love the looks of it with the first weapons set
Ostona i can relate to that
I always thought it looked like a black pinecone
Though i like the helmet.
Personally for warrior i like a few other armors too but the classik chainmail looks very good.
For the same reasons you mentioned about the obsidian armors i opened this thread because there are sooo many people only buying the most expensive stuff and calling it a day, but there is no creativity anymore. Thats why im always enjoying the combos you and the others come up with
Totally agree about obsidian armor and shiny weapons, helmet apart I always had the same "inflated barrel" feeling about it.
I'm really digging this full chainmail armor, I love the looks of it with the first weapons set
I think most of the problem is the bulk in the middle of the chest, lowering this would solve the problem. I don't dislike the armor per se, only the bulk. And yes, the helmet is very good.
Ostona i can relate to that
I always thought it looked like a black pinecone
Though i like the helmet.
Personally for warrior i like a few other armors too but the classik chainmail looks very good.
For the same reasons you mentioned about the obsidian armors i opened this thread because there are sooo many people only buying the most expensive stuff and calling it a day, but there is no creativity anymore. Thats why im always enjoying the combos you and the others come up with
You bet.
I was seeing how it looks like with the Turai's Sword (with the glitched effect) and I have to say that I like it more than the Shadow Blade.
I've recently been testing combinations with the Warrior that resemble armors in real life, and from the designs available in GW I think the regular Tyrian/Krytan chain mail armor looks pretty good, it's very underrated in my opinion, and it fits with a lot of different weapons. You can even simulate the iron color applying a black + white dye. I think I'm going to delete all the other armors and use this one from now on > . <
I like that armor the best for warriors myself, I have 2 that wear it exclusively.
I've only bought one set of Obsidian and that's for Rit, although the monk set isn't all that bad either.
Warrior Ascalon armor is one of the best looking in my opinion
I didn't think about this combo in black with both shadow weapons, good one!