I’ll take the jade longbow q9 15 50 if it’s still available

[SOLD] R E Q -8- S T R E N G T H - G L O O M - S H I E L D - I N S C R
pm u soon !
last boop then i merch some of these
WTS : OS bo staff q9 spawning 20/19 : R/B 10e
WTS : q9 dom scepter of the forgotten : 15e
q13 Straw Effigy +10vsDemons +14/-1 : 1e
Ign: Phoebe Bridgers
Blind Was My Fury
January 28, 2021 at 11:16 AM Changed the title of the thread from “HEAVY KAPA PLAGUE / q9 inscr weapons / low rb” to “Chest run diary / many OS 20/20 staves / HUGE q9 inscr = 2e each ! / low rb”. -
OS q9 oni daggers 15^50 -> 7e
IGN Sugita Kumiko
WTS : q9 flamberge : 1eWTS : q9 broadsword : 3eEdit: trade completed,. tyvm!
Emblaz 15e
q9 DF onyx staff : 3eq9 skull longbow : 3e
q9 skull spear : 1e
Alllison Hell
WTS : q9 sephis sword (400gold clean) 5e +5zkeys +5platin +5copper zcoins +5wood +5 gold
OS plat staff q11 deveine 20/20 smite : r/b 2e
WTS : q9 air staff (canthan) : 3e
Ign Apophis Drakos pm me ill buy this
daily boop
last boop before merch
r/bPaper Lantern q11 Fire = 1eb/oq9 tact demonic aegisq9 crescent axeq9 gemstone axeq9 tribal axeq9 sephis axeq9 golden phoenix bladeq9 ornate scimtarq9 shinobiEdit: trade completed, ty! -
WTS : OS q9 sai 15^50 : 5e
WTS : OS q9 hooked daggers 15^50 -> 5e
WTS : OS q9 golden talons 15^50 : 5e
I'll take these plz
B/O inscribale Oaken aegis, thank you
iGN: Angelan Vo
Blind Was My Fury
February 3, 2021 at 4:26 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Chest run diary / many OS 20/20 staves / HUGE q9 inscr = 2e each ! / low rb” to “Chest run diary / many OS 20/20 staves / q9 inscr / low rb”. -
bop new items
Celestial smite r/b
q9 fc aureate staff : 3eEdit: trade completed, ty!
r/b jeweled chakram & chalice
R/b inscribed chakram
IGN; Phoebe Bridgers
celestial fire rb
boop, will mrch some if no offer !
WTS : OS jade staff q9 spawn 20/20 com : r/b 5e
WTS : OS jade staff q11 smite 20/20 : R/B 8e
WTS : OS q9 korambits +5e -> 5e
WTS : OS q9 dead bow +5e -> 2e -
WTS : q9 legendary sword : 3e
I'll take this one if you still have it
or the q9 Gothic Sword
Bopbop ty for the offers catch you soon !
q9 platinium broadsword : 3eEdit: trade completed, ty!
last boop and i mrch some shieldos / off hands
sss undead - 50e
Blind Was My Fury
February 11, 2021 at 2:44 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Chest run diary / many OS 20/20 staves / q9 inscr / low rb” to “OS q9 SSS undead / q9 dual vamp celebow / many OS 20/20 staves / q9 inscr / low rb”. -
OS forbidden staff q9 air : r/b 5eEdit: trade completed, tyvm!
20e celestial bow
20e celestial wand
q9 ancient horn bow : 4e
IGN Sugita Kumiko
2a SSS
le boop
sss 3a
r/b jade axe
Le boop
I set the r/b for sss at 5a would be happy with that cheers !
Catch you guys to deliver soon !!
le boop
i am gonna merch tomorrow some of the low ends, save them or Shatam will be happy :p
Blind Was My Fury
February 17, 2021 at 8:16 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS q9 SSS undead / q9 dual vamp celebow / many OS 20/20 staves / q9 inscr / low rb” to “q9 dual vamp celebow / many OS 20/20 staves / q9 inscr / low rb”. -