WTB Q9 Gold Spiked Clubs: 15^50, +5E, Naked | Specific List of Low % Axe and Sword Mods | OS 20/10 Staves
I have a rq9 grinning recurve bow, I am not sure if it has +5energy or not. If I remember correctly it is zealous and might even be 15^50
Edit: IGN is Teh Pig if you wanna add me and ask any questions
heyo chev, got the clean q9 zodiac daggers for you!
heyo chev, got the clean q9 zodiac daggers for you!
oh my!! You are a savior!! The last missing dags! Thank you!!
(And bump, still loooking for that grinning recurve now, I know someone out there wants a quick 5a)
IGN: Moes Assa
Make an offer pls
Got this one for ya:p
q9 crude axe clean (canthan) -
I have a q9 Crude Scimitar (Gold). I kept it mainly in case somebody wanted it; as such I value it at = 1 empty space in my inventory.
IGN: Bowie Clone
Hello I got stone crusher q9 +5 energy IGN: Hamza Ftw
Agent Chevy
April 12, 2020 at 1:06 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTB Featured: Q9 Grinning Recurve Bow OS +5e - Paying 5a | Other Specific 15^50, +5E, Naked Items, A few missing insc. Items” to “WTB Specific 15^50, +5E, Naked Items, A few missing insc. Items”. -
Hi, got that Grinning Recurve already or still looking for one?
Hey. I've a q8 (post nerf max dmg 7-16) clean Hooked Daggers that i might sell you for a reasonable offer if you'd like ones.
Hey Chevy,
I got a q10 Spiked Club 15^50... Not sure if you are interested as a placeholder.
Let me know
clean Kukris Q9 pm Moral Sin if interested, or leave pm inbox.
Agent Chevy
June 13, 2021 at 5:51 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTB Specific 15^50, +5E, Naked Items, A few missing insc. Items” to “WTB Specific 15^50, +5E, Naked, Insc Items, and OS 20/10 Staves (list included)”. -
Not sure if it’s the one you’re looking for but there’s a earth ghostly staff here :
ThreadQ10/11 VS, Some CC's, OS, and Polar Bear
Recently came back to the game; still sifting through my storage characters. I'll add more items as I learn of their value and rarity.
Q9 OS +5E Chaos Axe ~
C/O: 1a10e
B/O: 5aQ9 Eternal Blade ~
C/O: 40a (SOLD)
B/O: 40a (SOLD)Q9 OS 10/10 Earth Ghostly Staff ~
C/O: 80e (SOLD)
B/O: 80e (SOLD)
Q9 OS 10/10 Illusion Celestial Staff ~
C/O: 10e
B/O: 20e
Q9 OS 10/10 Illusion Zodiac Staff ~
C/O: N/A
B/O: 40eQ9 OS 10/10 Blood Zodiac Staff ~
C/O: 20e (SOLD)
B/O: 40e (SOLD)Q9…amaJune 19, 2021 at 12:56 AM Hope it helps
Hello i got an ancient Longbow q10. IGN Cecilia Chaosblume
I have a 20/10 channeling staff....
15e plagueborn axe