Sooo.. Which GUild Wars should I buy? I have only have a laptop and was wondering does anyone still play GW 1?

Does anyone play GW 1 any more?
There are indeed still people playing
Of course the community got smaller with the years but the community also stayed very unique.
Definitely worth it.
- Official Post
Where and what to buy:
- £34.99 Complete Collection
- Steam £24.99 Trilogy + £17.99 Eye of the North
- GameLibe (German site) €34.90 Complete Collection, also via their eBay shop
On it may go on sale around the GW2 Anniversary. They were on sale on both GW and Steam platforms on Black Friday in 2019.
The game is not really active anymore but yes there are still a couple of players hanging around
- Official Post
still playing after all these years....
yes, game is still around and kicking (perhaps not like a teenager, but still going).
Another tip if you decide to start: To find other players go to the american district in towns (they are regional "channels"). That's where most players are nowadays. If you are looking for a guild, use this forum or ingame hubs like Great Temple of Balthazar (PvP zone), Kamadan (Nightfall) and Lion's Arch (Prophecies). Here's a comprehensive wiki, where you can find a ton of answers as well:
I am on and off doing some finessing up stuff.
I started playing sometime around 2005 or so and I've been playing off and on ever since then I have 12 "toons," as they say and with the exception of 1, all are at various levels of 20. To be honest, I have kind of a "love/hate" relationship with the game. It's hard to stay away from for too long but on the other hand I have a high frustration level and the fact that there are no cheats or work arounds in the game is one of my big gripes. Got a lot of questions about the game which I will be asking in the proper threads so I guess it's "Catch you later."