Anti Farm Code Research

  • In this spreadsheet i will be attempting to log each run to find out the truth about this disputed claims

    1. Repeated farming of the same area results in a progressive reduction of drops.

    2.The drop rate from the first foes killed in the area is less than normal; after several kills, the rate returns to normal.

    • Some believe that the governing factor is time; some believe it is both time and number of kills.

    I kill 24-25 snowmen every run no more then 1 will ever be left or that run will not be logged.…dit?usp=sharing

    Hypothesis- time in the instance WILL increase drop chances.

    UPDATE 1- Added times/rearranged the table (I personally thinks it's easier to read now). Added hypothesis

    Edited 5 times, last by Noahz (October 2, 2020 at 7:21 AM).

  • how do you kill them? What build? A AoE build that kills them simultaneously or one that kills them one by one? Because many claim that kill rate has an influence. This is an interesting topic that definitely is worth looking into! With the data there'd also be numbers. But you'll have to farm quite some items, which means quite some runs.... :D and if the first statement is true, you will have fewer drops per run resulting in even more runs to get the same data sample. And you'd need to make sure you are on the same level of factor 1 in order to compare runs for factor 2.

    Looking forward to data! And results!

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • how do you kill them? What build? A AoE build that kills them simultaneously or one that kills them one by one? Because many claim that kill rate has an influence. This is an interesting topic that definitely is worth looking into! With the data there'd also be numbers. But you'll have to farm quite some items, which means quite some runs.... :D and if the first statement is true, you will have fewer drops per run resulting in even more runs to get the same data sample. And you'd need to make sure you are on the same level of factor 1 in order to compare runs for factor 2.

    Looking forward to data! And results!

    Whirling Build, all at once. And yes ive read and do believe killing them at once decreases drop chance, but also i think this way getting a sample size can be done alot more efficient. Very Barebones right now but this mostly stems from me wanting to find out if just being on the map longer can yield higher results. less interest in the repeated runs rumor (this one personally don't believe but will see).

  • Some believe that the governing factor is time

    To me the effect of instance time became very clear when I was running the unlocked chests from Charr Reinforcements. One test showed that opening them asap after load yielded 11 items in 10 runs, while opening them after waiting 1 minute in the map yielded 42 items in 10 runs. These chests may be different from enemy npcs (but they are also different from locked chests, because they can drop between 0-3 items each), but it is possible that this is a general mechanic.

    The next question is, does waiting before killing actually result in a higher yield? That depends on total run time and average increase in drop chances.

    Btw, are the runs you're logging during favour or not? Either would work I think, as long as all runs are the same.

    >WTB< | ign Adanel Jade

  • To me the effect of instance time became very clear when I was running the unlocked chests from Charr Reinforcements. One test showed that opening them asap after load yielded 11 items in 10 runs, while opening them after waiting 1 minute in the map yielded 42 items in 10 runs. These chests may be different from enemy npcs (but they are also different from locked chests, because they can drop between 0-3 items each), but it is possible that this is a general mechanic.

    The next question is, does waiting before killing actually result in a higher yield? That depends on total run time and average increase in drop chances.

    Btw, are the runs you're logging during favour or not? Either would work I think, as long as all runs are the same.

    Love the input! And all favorless runs as I have a different spot for when favor is active

  • I used to do the R/A whirling ToC farm in fissure of woe, I recently switched to D/A sand shards which means they all die at different times but within 5-10 seconds, noticed significantly more shard drops on Dervish. This is just my observation, never kept records etc.

    *also never paid attention to favor as I'm going for shards during pantheon.

  • I used to do the R/A whirling ToC farm in fissure of woe, I recently switched to D/A sand shards which means they all die at different times but within 5-10 seconds of each other, noticed significantly more shard drops on Dervish. This is just my observation, never kept records etc.

    *also never paid attention to favor as I'm going for shards during pantheon.

    I do the same in pre with fire storm I kinda backpedal the mobs into it so they dont all die at once and I see alot more drops aswell. But for the sake of consistancy I felt this would be best.

  • On topic: Thanks OP for your effort. Real beneficial work for the community! :)

    Off topic: /rant I'm so sorry that we have to even discuss such a thing (i.e. the AntiFarm code nonsense). ArenaNet should have respected the ingenuity of their players who have an done excellent job at coming up with so many original builds for farming. The whole point of the game is being creative with builds anyway, why punish players instead of reward them? X/


  • Guys what do you think about this theory. When we kill mobs we get xp. What if we have some xp bar that fils when we get xp from kills or missions, and empties when we get gold item drop. So in theory if we have enough xp without good drops and that xp bar fills to certain point we get gold drop? Cause some people are saying their drops get better after completing some dungeons, cause there you get much more xp and get fever gold drops, so when you move to other areas to farm, you have that metter filled and get better drops until you actually get gold drops and that bar reduces until the point you dont have enough xp for more gold drops.?

  • thank for you theory.

    the thing I found in my investigation about this ugly thing is:

    ppl say the instance have preload items charged in every mobs and I tested and proof myself you can manipulate every drop from any enemy depend of the fast or slow you kill that enemy and the factor of the party size.

    Killing slow each by each enemy, if you kill all enemies around you for example degeneration skill will count as you kill fast.

    killing slow more % chance to get white and blue, but in some cases the % chance for gold is there.

    killing fast each by each more % chance to get gold.

    The anti farm code is if you kill all the mobs in the same time, 0.5/3 of the enemy party will drop something for you if you alone in the instance, if you enter in the instance with a full party "of human" is probably 2.5/3 will drop items.

    with full party killing slowly you will get 2.9/3 of the drops of the full party enemies, for example killing group of total of 60 enemies and the result you will count around 56-59 drops in the ground and I tested this between white to gold items.

    I start to believe the ip of the instance is the key, because I saw same ip address in various map of the entire continent.

    The instance know how manys runs you was there farming, because I remember getting a message if I do repeat the same instance I will get less drop.

    Edited once, last by crusan (March 22, 2024 at 11:42 PM).

  • :/ You can speculate and make as many Excel spreadsheets as you like. Luck will always influence your statistics and calculations. Which makes them non-static and useless.

    Otherwise, you'd have a static element coming back, with no exceptions (proof). Which is only possible if the luck factor is absent.

  • :/ You can speculate and make as many Excel spreadsheets as you like. Luck will always influence your statistics and calculations. Which makes them non-static and useless.

    Otherwise, you'd have a static element coming back, with no exceptions (proof). Which is only possible if the luck factor is absent.

    Yes you right, luck is always a factor at least in my test I can guaranteed a drop and no a hopeless to get gold skin just "thinking kill fast"

  • I still think th xp is the most governing factor. Example, in s chance encounter, you think af is bugged, it is not. Only reason you get so many golds there is you get so many xp by killing 50+enemies and filling that xp metter, then you get gold items and it decreases again, rinse and repeat. There is no bug in Af, it works or not working simple as that. Everyone who understand a bit of codding knows that. To test my theory im gonna fill HM story book and turn it in to get 90.000k of "non taxed" xp anf try some solo run. So 90k of xp without any drop, and will see. Someone could help me tho and do few test himself.

    Edited once, last by Damir (March 23, 2024 at 2:27 AM).

  • one person killing all the groups getting 14 gold items?

    this is no normal or that mission is much bugged and the anti farm not work there.

    at least the wiki says gold items are exepmpt from loot scaling... so no surprises there?!

    it is just a hell effective farm in terms of kills per time

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier