Pc OS q7/16 tac Skeletal shield prenerf [close please]
Seems the shield is already for sale on legacy :
WTS Q7 pre nerf shield (r/b met b/o added) + OS shields (magma , pre nerf, canthan)
yeah shield has been sold it seems.
so yeah long story short. i would say its worth more then u paid for it.
- Official Post
25a is the most i was gonna pay on it for your real world pc.
I would think this wouldn’t go for more then 20-25a. Sure it’s q7 and dual mod but not real useful mods and the skin isn’t as desirable as others.
Not sure why your after a price check when you just purchased it from a public auction.
yeah shield has been sold it seems.
so yeah long story short. i would say its worth more then u paid for it.
So something goes on sale then they pay more then anybody else would to win the item, and you say its worth more? This is the most confusing statement I've seen on this thread, and there has been some interesting content in the past. If you're not sure and don't have experience with a similar item best to keep your opinion to yourself.
Raining Ecto have u watched the auction? It is self explaining but since we here.
It was sold on a rather rushed b/o edit. And I would have bitten at least 1 arm more then the b/o. So me pessonally think it's worth more then what it was paid for. Cause me personally would have paid more so I have 100% knowledge and accuracy on my statement.
Not really quantum physics. But since I don't have a PhD Guildwars-ologie I be quite and leave the field to real people that know how to price check like Raining Ecto that just quote a statement and then Leave no price related Infos anywhere in their comment.
Hope I could help a little on the confusion and no need for beef here just I think I am more confused on your statement then you are from mine
. Stay cool and keep it clean boys
Raining Ecto have u watched the auction? It is self explaining but since we here.
It was sold on a rather rushed b/o edit. And I would have bitten at least 1 arm more then the b/o. So me pessonally think it's worth more then what it was paid for. Cause me personally would have paid more so I have 100% knowledge and accuracy on my statement.
Not really quantum physics. But since I don't have a PhD Guildwars-ologie I be quite and leave the field to real people that know how to price check like Raining Ecto that just quote a statement and then Leave no price related Infos anywhere in their comment.
Hope I could help a little on the confusion and no need for beef here just I think I am more confused on your statement then you are from mine
. Stay cool and keep it clean boys
Well the reality of the entire deal is that it showed up in Kamadan just days ago, which I was online to see. It had multiple offers in game, then it was sold to the gentlemen who posted it on legacy. So then he posts it for sale on legacy, and gets bids from a few different people then it stalls with no more bids. He proceeds to spam it in game for hours today, so seems anybody who would of been interested in buying it had days ingame and on legacy to make better offers, yet didnt. So this item is being attempted to be flipped twice in literally DAYS. I wasn't rude to you at all, yet now you want to call me and my guild out as being "PhD Guildwars-ologie". If you notice, I almost never reply to these price checks as they are a waste of time, even for somebody with a lot of experience with items exactly like this one. An item is worth what somebody will pay, period. And it's already been passed around in 3 hands in a matter of days. Don't try to say I'm out of line here for not posting a price check, because you're constantly just commenting on other peoples posts, saying "if it was xOOg it would be for me" ect ect with no actual contribution to the thread as intended. Also hilarious you mention that I "left no price related infos" when in your original post up top, NEITHER DID YOU.
PS. As a matter of fact you thinking there was any sort of hostility to my reply I find shocking, when I myself have offered items to you for your collection, and even tried to give you items for free that I've earned chest running. Incredible
Bruh. Calm buddy. First of all. The item is worth more then u paid for it. Implements a price. To clarify and More accurate 35a+(at least 1a). Like I can sign that my english may not be the yellow of the egg but there is a price relation on it?! It seems today may be to confusing. Also I said I ( me, myself) don't have a PhD in GWoligie (joke intended) , Wich when I am right informed is a English term for some kind of diploma. It was not related to your guild/guild member. if you read everything passive aggressive that shows actually more about your that you may wanted to present.
My "if it was X00g.." are often paired with a smiley, to persons I know ingame and often also paired with an actual personal price check. The Christmas time is a depressing time for some. Don't spread bad vibes online. Have GW-Fun and enjoy the time that you have left to spend on the planet , with guildwars and your loved ones.
the shield is not being flipped i bought it for myself in kamadan, had no idea it was listed here, not playing that much these days.
So i thought i would like to PC it so that i can see if i overpaid xD chill guys
Legendary Lena I
December 26, 2020 at 4:41 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Pc OS q7/16 tac Skeletal shield prenerf” to “Pc OS q7/16 tac Skeletal shield prenerf [close please]”. -
December 27, 2020 at 2:22 AM Closed the thread.