Hello all!
You might have seen this weird guy buying 404gv OS items in-game. Well, that's me. ;p I finally decided to put up a buy thread here and see how it goes.
Little history and why I am buying those items. So I have started playing Guild Wars in 2006 with Factions being my first introduction to the franchise. I have enjoyed every bit of it and was just engulfed by the amount of content and ways to play this game. At some point I started pursuing some goals so I can have something going playing the game. It made it purposeful. Be it GWAMM, or Kind of a Big Deal in Pre, a Ghostly Hero collection - I have always had something to pursue and that made the game enjoyable. After GW2 released I stopped playing GW1 and that hiatus was for almost 8 years. I randomly started the game in November 2020 and started casually farming (my favourite thing to do). I then started selling those things I was getting. This is when I got reminded of something I could pursue in order to keep the game fresh - collecting. I saw a lot of collections around and nothing clicked to me until I thought of something funny and also not as expensive as other collections. I wanted to collect items with exactly 404 gold value. This was it, the whole idea. But it still wasn't enough. Then I remembered that there are so-called naked/clean weapons that lack inherent mods. And I was like "THAT'S IT!".
"404: Mod Not Found" collection came into the light. Since then I have been spreading word around and actually people have been super helpful supplying me with some items that I have already added to my collection. So thank you all for the items and help you have provided so far, you know who you are.
So without further ado. Here is what I am seeking and what I'm willing to pay.
Gold OS Items with 404gv (gold value)
- Any Old-school (uninscribable) weapon with NO inherent mod (i.e. clean/naked)
- No need to clean it yourself from other mods
- Any requirement
- Any skin
- Any profession
Some examples
My price for each truly clean/naked weapon:
+ 404 
(5 Globs of Ectoplasm + 404 gold)1
Gold Shields/Wands/Foci with 404gv (gold value)
- Any Old-school shield or wand or focus with a SINGLE MOD (i.e. missing the second inherent mod)2
- Any requirement
- Any skin
- Any profession
Some examples
My price for each single-mod shield/wand/focus:
+ 404 
(1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 404 gold)1
Gold Salvage Items (Armors) with 404gv (gold value)
- Any Salvage item with 404gv (see exceptions below)
- Containing any rune/insignia
- From any campaign
Am Fah Cape
Luxon Garb
Outcast Bracers
Outcast Wrappings
Plagueborn Armor
Titan Armor
My price for each salvage item / armor:
+ 404
+ XYZ 
(1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 404 gold + amount of gold to pay for the runes/insignias 3)
So there we have it. Next time you get presented with an error code 404 when the mods didn't load properly on your items, send them my way and I'll make sure to compensate you on behalf of the game.
IGN: Smelly Chick
1 Prices should be fair for the average item out there, but please do not hesitate to post or message me if you have something rarer and we'll eventually come to a deal.
2 I know of the possibility of a shield, a wand, or a focus from the bugged EotN chest that could potentially come out with 404gv when identified but this is nearing the realms of impossibility. In any case, if you have such item I am VERY much interested in it. Let's talk ;p
3 I am willing to pay the full price of the runes/insignias that the merchant sells them for.