Posts by Captain Krompdown

    Jan. 12 is always a great day.

    IJd0MAd.jpg     yXNFXkm.jpg

    On this day 13 years ago, [PhD] was founded with the simple mission of preserving the history of our game, as manifested in its items. Today, the guild is as active as ever -- filled with a vibrant mix of new members (who bring fresh perspectives on the game's beauty as well as fascinating collections) and crusty old knobs like me and Kabong. Through the years and all of the inevitable changes, [PhD] remains home to many of the finest collections, rarest relics, and most respectable collectors in the game. Thank you to everyone who wears the cape so well.

    <3Happy 13th birthday, [PhD]!<3

    Agreed. It doesn't really matter whether your item is uncustomized, custo'd to you, or custo'd to someone else. The same commonsense standards apply. Specifically, if an item is gonna be shown as part of your collection:

    • The item should be owned by you.
      • If you feel the need to fluff up "your" collection by displaying borrowed items, then the owner should be acknowledged. Possession is not the same as ownership. Credit should be given where credit is due.
    • The item should be exhibited intact, as it exists, including full information (item name, all stats, including extra damage from custo and custo name, as well as gold value).

    Pretty simple. Let's try to keep it real from here on out :thumbup:

    ...and yet we point to Gandhi (and not the guys with guns) as an example of our higher strivings. This implies an implicit framework by which certain ideas are judged as more highly developed than others.

    To me, this whole thing is simple:

    • Display things you own
    • Display them intact, as they exist, not just the convenient/flattering parts
    • Be honest

    These are basic standards. To pretend that there aren't is dishonest, lazy, and (if applied in the real world) dangerous.

    So...embarrassing *again* for you?

    Sorry, Pleikki, you've pissed in the pool. Expecting others to continue swimming in it is asking for a strange kind of "respect". :rolleyes:

    If you don't own an item (regardless of who is custo'd for), it's not part of your collection.

    There's all kinds of sloppiness in the original collections thread. This was our chance to do better -- to make a true museum for the game, as it exists now.


    EDIT: Well said, Bluey . Disagree about the dedication bit but that's a minor sidestory.

    Maybe there is just a misunderstanding? That is the most charitable interpretation I can come up with.

    As Pyro mentioned, your statement that you're posting "items from friends" that you hope to replace for yourself can be interpreted in many ways. The easiest/most likely interpretation of that statement is that you've borrowed items to help fill out your collection. This is obviously different from ownership.

    Another easy interpretation is that maybe you bought them for a special "friend price" with the understanding that the item would be returned when you found your own version. Is this the case? If so, that is a rental -- not ownership.

    An interpretation involving legitimate ownership is more difficult to reach. Again, that is because of how your statement is worded. Maybe a friend legitimately sold you an item that they want for themselves as a favor (to help you build your collection) and you'd like to pay them back by replacing that item. That's totally possible (and reasonable) but it doesn't fit easily with what you said. I'm trying to be charitable here so I'm asking whether ownership is the issue or if your statement itself is the issue.

    Perhaps you're so confused by the reactions you're receiving because you don't understand the message that you're sending out. Maybe you're not addressing this issue because you don't understand that you may have misspoken. Or maybe you're not addressing it because you're hoping that people will be distracted and just forget about it. As Pyro said, some clarification of that statement would be helpful.

    i offer 5e plus a dedicated temple guardian for that q7 cele sword +5e.

    I bought that cele sword for 100k+35e back in the day off of Guru. Nobody beat that bid and the seller followed through, so here we are ^^

    That sword -- complete with its ribald moniker -- usually stays with Kabong's mesmer as part of the sparkliest set an old IW mez could ever hope for:


    Since I have you here, Shaya  zxc , I can answer your question about Teh Axe more directly. The item that I miss most dearly from that deal is the Req 8 15 stance crys in the shot below. Every other item in this shot either has appeared or will appear in this thread. That crys, however, has moved on. It was 1 of 7 top-shelf items to be traded in exchange for Teh Axe. Some of those items were recovered while others are sorely missed. That crys is the one that I miss the most.


    I was never a big fan of the crys skin but I miss being able to make this set. Like I said, it was 100% worth it to bring Teh Axe home. I'm not into ripping people off for their prized possessions or trying to convince them that I'm their friend so that I can get what I want from them. I had the chance to acquire a unique item and I paid a unique price. It was the right thing to do :heart:

    It's also worth noting that, even though I love this shot (for many reasons), I removed it from my collection thread because I no longer own that sword. There's a lot of weirdness going on with people posting items that they don't own (or don't own anymore) or presenting them as if they're uncustomized when they really are custo'd. It's a weird kind of lying/misrepresentation that doesn't belong in this forum. We're here to display collections, not memories or fantasies :D

    So here's a new version of that shot, along with some Req 8 trinkets that Kabong and I keep in the drawer by the door ;)


    EDIT: I no longer own the req 8t 30/-2s bladed shield shown in this pic.

    More to come. Thanks for dropping by :*

    Mods can be salvaged off other items/random drops arnd are widely available, both here and in Kamadan.

    Here's one (random, recent) thread from the sell section that has some things you might be interested in:

    WTS OS Weapons | Weapon Mods | Caster Swords | Q8 Focus

    Or feel free to get in touch in-game. If I have what you need floating around in storage, you're welcome to it.

    Good luck equipping your toons -- it's always fun getting that just right ^^

    Here are some things that Kabong and I have managed to keep around the guild hall, mostly for guests ;)


    EDIT: I have recently traded away 2 of the swords seen here. The req 7 15/-5 plat blade and one of the req 7 15^50 gladiuseses are no longer mine.

    Glad you enjoyed the tale, zxc. Sorry it made you shed a tear ^^

    Thanks for the kind words about the collective collection Kabong and I have built over the years. It's been a labor of love and a great thing to do together with my womb-mate. There will be more of it coming soon.

    In the meanwhile, I've edited my original post to include an interesting set of req 8 Magmas shields, magnificently captured by a shadowy mastermind/artist and his assistant mastermind.


    Really nice - what I am missing right now is the Story behind "The Axe" though. Do you remember how you got it and from who for how much? :D

    Oh, I remember.

    The Axe spent the first 2-3 years of its existence with Sir Spil, a major early collector and frequent resident of the grassy knoll in Lion's Arch. At some point, Spil quit the game completely and handed his account down to a friend. Spil's friend (whose name I won't give here) was interested in accumulating wealth for his own purposes and, with Spil's blessing, sold Spil's treasures off to collectors that Spil deemed worthy. I was fortunate enough to be one of two names on Spil's list. I came away from our several trading sessions broke but in possession of several treasures from the earliest days of the game. Jason XII -- a friend and one of my first and best officers -- however, came away with The Axe.

    Much like The Ring of Power, The Axe slowly drove Jason insane. Once he owned The Axe, the game became boring for him. He started taking all kinds of risks for no reason, maybe just trying to feel some kind of excitement again. He would put The Axe in trade windows and pull it back just before the other person took it from him. He began abusing his reputation as a trade mod and got himself in some pretty hot water. Eventually, Jason knew his days were numbered. A permaban was coming and, just before the hammer fell, he handed the axe off to "some random." Nobody knew the name of the person holding The Axe but the prevailing opinion was that Jason managed to unload it before his account was annihilated.

    There were rumors about who might be holding The Axe, but they were all dead ends. After a while, The Axe's new owner emerged. Luckily, this "random" player (whose name I also won't give) had protected The Axe. Not only that, but he also understood and appreciated the mission of [PhD] and felt that The Axe belonged with me. We discussed possible deals a few times but couldn't quite settle on anything. One day, I got myself a nice pile of marijuana, plopped myself on the couch, and convinced myself that today would be the day. The Owner and I negotiated a trade. I won't go into specifics but I will say that I handed over a trade screen full of absolutely top-tier items -- enough to be the centerpiece of a historically great collection -- in exchange for The Axe. I took the weapon out of The Captain's hand and the shield off of his arm and included those items. I gave The Owner a "grand tour" of my storage and allowed him to pick out his heart's desire, like a kid in a candy store. It hurt but it got done.

    Over time, I was able to recover some of those relics. Others are still sorely missed, but it was worth it. The Axe is not a burden to me, like it was for Jason. It is a thing of beauty and a source of both pleasure and pride. While it's true that other items might seem bland in comparison, that is a small price to pay for the pleasure of looking in The Captain's right hand and seeing the single most important item that the game has ever produced. Perfect and pristine, as it was at its creation.

    Truly an all-time great -- as a collector, a guildie, and a leader in the community. You are 3-in-1. A Tyrian Trinity. Let's just take a second to savor The Mystery of The Borken.

    As a collector, you have assembled, preserved, and protected some of the game's rarest and most spectacular relics. What you have built is simply impossible for anyone else to ever replicate. It's not that it would take a lot of work or patience to replicate your collection. It is simply impossible. This is It.

    As a member of [PhD], you have risen through the ranks to become the longest-tenured officer in guild history. This is the Guild Wars equivalent of the Lucasian Chair at Cambridge -- a prestigious seat, previously occupied by such legends as Rahl The Outlaw, Chaos Kurupter, Stza Erza (RIP), and Jason XII. Long ago, you scratched your name into the armrest and permeated the velvet cushion with your distinctive musk. May it never be dented by other buttocks.

    As a member of the community, you have worked tirelessly to provide all of us with a home and resource through which the game continues to thrive. Literally none of us would be here without you.

    These shots are spectacular (the artist gets all the recognition he wants but not nearly as much as he deserves!) but all they are is one more opportunity to celebrate everything that you've contributed to our little world. A job well done, Max. Time to head back to the hall for your afternoon snooze by the fireplace. I'll microwave you some tea.

    Agreed. Don't listen to "experts" or to any of the brand new friends you might've suddenly made :D

    If you decide to sell, post it here, accept only public bids, and take your time.

    Congrats on the beautiful sword and good luck :thumbup:


    A sunny day in October. A rare wander off the icy cobbles, as Hilda finally managed to assemble her favourite heavy accessories. As per tradition, only possible with the greatest of help from fellow scholars in Teh Academy. She does you no justice, @Captain Krompdown, but she does admire you.


    The Captain is 15 years old and doesn't understand this new feeling. It's not anger but it will require all of his strength.

    I think he just ran off to make a mix tape ^^

    not even added the whalekin wands yet :D

    waiting for that! ^^

    Invokeur It sounds to me like there's a lot of insecurity, maybe a little bit of blaming others for your feelings, and a teensy bit of accusing others of the things you're afraid they might do (to you?) sprinkled on top. Why?

    We all started in the exact same place -- dead flat broke. Any of us who didn't start collecting on Day 1 started from behind, looking up the skirts of those who started the ascent before us. I would guess that includes everyone who will ever post a collection on this forum. Along the way, we are all helped by others and help when we can. We all learn from others and teach when we can. We follow our noses to whatever we consider interesting, beautiful, or worthwhile and work (somehow) toward those things. That's the story of every collection and of every collector. I hope you get around to telling yours...that's half the fun :heart:

    For me, I think it's about how I think of the shield. When I get a shield that has 30 health on and -2 dmg in a stance, I'm more likely to think:

    "This shield has 30 health on it and it also gives me -2 phys dmg in a stance."


    "This shield gives me -2 phys dmg in a stance and it also has 30 health."

    I would guess that whatever mod is more valued or gives the shield its defining feature (in the eyes of its owner) is the one that goes on top. For me, that's always going to be health. The 30 is the more valuable mod by far. +30 with any second mod is a good shield, especially if it's heavy enough. But there are relatively few ways that a shield can be top notch (in my book) if it starts off with -2 stance (for example). I'm guessing this has something to do with it for me.

    That and penises and stuff 😂

    Once upon a time, I came out as a collector of extraordinarily large shields. At the time, it was a retirement hobby and a little bit of a joke -- something to amuse myself with whenever I found myself back in the game for whatever reason. It's bizarre to think that it's been about a decade since I picked up my first extremely heavy shield and instantly fell in love.


    Since then, I've amassed well over 100 massive shields. Here are 70-something of my favorites :heart:


    So many people have helped put this together. ObsidiaN shares my love of the big scary face shields of all kinds and his generosity is on display here. MaxBorken contributed several pieces, including that 30/-2s bladed, which is a favorite :heart:   PyroLobster tracked down that monster tower shield and was kind enough to send it my way, along with several more obscure combinations :D  Red Fireball kindly allowed a couple of unusually gargantuan red rectangular shields to end up here. After only light badgering, Purely let me give a loving home to his magnificent undead eternal. So many others have also lent a hand. Sanctus  @ardunain  End and many others. And Kabong has tolerated all of it while tracking down several hefty specimens^^

    Red Fireball I like that req 8 20/20 pre-nerf boner as much as you do. It was a dream item for me. And I'll make you a deal. I post some offhands and you post your big red collection of big red shields. Deal? Ok deal. Here we go.

    I always liked staves more than wand/offhand combos. When I was actively buying up necro stuff, my focus was really on 20/20 staves. The wands I posted before and the offhands below were kind of incidental and accidental. Unfortunately (for me, I guess), the 20/20 staves didn't age as well as some of the other items here. When I was grabbing necro stuff, 20/20 dragon and plat staves were top shelf stuff. These days, they're overfarmed and have devolved into run-of-the-mill collector items. For that reason, I haven't included things like platinum or celestial staves. The shadow staves are here because I don't see a lot of complete sets like this one. Zodiacs and dragons are here because they're probably my favorite skins for my primary nec. The stuff that has really stood the test of time are the pre-nerf staves -- which are in southwestern quadrant, covering up Mr. Spooky's ankles and kneecaps (he's so self-conscious about his joints down there but will show his elbows to anyone who will look). Hope you enjoy.

    Blind Was My Fury The images are from a cursed filmstrip of Camille Saint-Saens' Danse Macabre. Kabong and I had an elementary school music teacher who would show this thing every Halloween. It's still as terrifying today as it was all those years ago. For anyone who might be interested, you can watch the whole thing here (warning: spooky). I recommend setting up a safe place to sleep before clicking the link. Our story begins at the stroke of midnight. You'll hear the 12 chimes from the church steeple. Soon after, we have the apparition of Fiddler Death, who orchestrates the evening's festivities. The party goes all night, until the rooster crows and the sun rises. It's awful :D



    Ascalon days

    Like so many others, my road to collecting began by admiring the beautiful items that I saw around Ascalon, Lion's Arch, and Drok's back in 2005. I hadn’t played much of the game but I loved the idea that these were rare items from parts of the world that I hoped to reach someday. Unfortunately, the items I admired most came with incredible price tags and seemed destined to stay in the hands of certain players who, I learned a little later, were around for the first ecto trader glitch. This explained a lot of the wealth disparity I was seeing but left me with two choices: give up or try any catch up. At the time, 1750e was an inconceivable amount of money -- enough to buy anything you wanted. Just as importantly, if you could put 7 stacks of ecto up in a trade window, that meant something around town. Getting my hands on 7 stacks of ectos became my first real goal.

    The education of Kromp (and making a business out of the pre-nerf 20% Rockmolder)

    I spent some time straight-up trading, trying to buy low(er) and selling high(er). Along the way, I learned from many people, but two in particular stand out. Chaos Theory Pvp (aka Shantel Melina) was always gracious enough to allow me to pick his brain, even though he was one of top shield traders in the game. The Herbalizer was also generous with his time and considerable knowledge. I consider both Chaos Theory and Herb to be my teachers and they would both eventually be invited to be officers in [PhD]. I made some progress and my inventory became shinier, but it was relatively slow going -- until Sept. 7, 2005.

    On that luscious autumn day, Grenth's Footprint was added to the game and with it came green items and the market for them. Malinon's shield was a big seller, as were Victo's items. But Rockmolders were what made it all happen for me. The Rockmolder was (still is) a green illusion offhand with Illusion +1 (20%). What made the Rockmolder special was the 20% HSR that applied to all skills, not just Illusion spells. This was simply too good to be true and, on Oct. 7, 2005, The Rockmolder was nerfed. After that update, all Rockmolders dropped with a 10% HSR, yet the "old" Rockmolders remained in-game. This was the niche that I found for myself.

    Rockmolders were (still are?) plentiful and you could buy them for 500g-1k very easily. After the nerf, I started hoarding old Rockmolders and selling them for 100k at first. Then 100k+10e, then 100k+20e, and so on. Given the number of Rockmolders around, it wasn't long until I had maxed out my gold stores and amassed the 1750e I needed to become a player. The Rockmolder market was so hot that, at some point, my brother O Kabongolina O joined the family business as Associate Sales Representative and made an impressive living, despite the predatory nature of Kromp, Inc.’s Rockmolder selling pyramid scheme. On July 13, 2006, every old Rockmolder in the game was "corrected" and the days of the 20% Rockmolder were over but a collector had been born.

    [Dark] times and the founding of [PhD]

    Around this time (mid/late 2006), I decided to focus on trading and collecting. I left The Doomsday Device, the guild I had co-founded and was co-leading with my friend Max Xavier, and joined The Brethren of Chaos [Dark], a high-end trader/collector guild co-led by Chaos Kurupter and Akhilleus Pthius. Eventually, [Dark] disintegrated for reasons that I won't get into here. When [Dark] fell apart I founded [PhD] on Jan. 12, 2008 with the simple purpose of preserving the history of the game, as manifested in its items.

    Because of how [Dark] fell apart and the rifts that became apparent, I decided that [PhD] would be a guild with a zero-tolerance policy on RMT, ebaying, etc. We would be a gentleman's guild -- preserving the history of the game while respecting the game enough to play it the right way. Several former members of [Dark] migrated to [PhD] and can still be seen on our guild roster, including Stza Erza (RIP), Chaos Kurupter, Jason XII, Wazza The Mighty, Rahl The Outlaw, Joe is Beastly, and others. Our success -- and the way it was obtained -- has made [PhD] the premiere destination guild for collectors throughout the game. I have many things to be proud of in Guild Wars, including whatever items I eventually post below, but the thing I am proudest of is my little guild. Thank you to all of you who wear the cape so well.

    A first peek

    With the guild's mission in mind, my personal inventory contains very little in the way of a traditional "collection". I was never out to satisfy any OCD tendencies (except in my early frenzy to collect ectos and max out my gold). My purpose in acquiring and holding items has always been to preserve distinctive items -- items that showcase the beauty and history of this game and the world we all share. There is perhaps no better example of this than Teh Axe, which allows us to peer directly back to the earliest moments of the game. You'll find Teh Axe displayed here, together with several other top-shelf axes from my storage:

    You can see that, in addition to appreciating unconditional weapons, I’m a fan of stance axes. I’ve always been a firm believer that stance gear is the best gear for warriors (outside of unconditional weapons). With that in mind, as you scroll through the images below, you’ll find components of what I believe is the finest collection of stance-based warrior gear ever assembled. Feel free to see if you can spot them.

    Another thing that you’ll notice my preference for curating a small personal museum, as opposed to a traditional collection. Rather than creating a bulky collection filled with obligatory pieces (for the sake of completeness) or standard "collector" items (for the sake of checking off expected boxes), I set my sights on creating focused sets of items that distill the beauty and history of the game by preserving museum-quality relics. For example, here is a small set of Req 8 Magmas shields that are pre-nerf in a variety of ways:


    Just in case there's anyone seeing this who's curious about what makes these Magmas shields special:

    • Req 8 (Gold, Max) Magmas shields don't drop anymore
    • Dual reduction shields don't drop anymore
    • Max health while hexed was raised from +45 to + 60 about a billion years ago.
    • That stance Magmas is, imo, the single finest warrior shield in the game. Others may have their favorites. This is mine <3

    Keep an eye out for similar clues about the past as you peruse images lovingly created by our local artist. I'm sure you'll be able to tell which were homemade and which were crafted by more capable hands. Over time, more and more images will be upgraded.

    More to come. Discuss amongst yourselves.