Goldleaf Defender q7 Motivation - 5e
Round Shield q8 Tactics - 30e
edit: Thanks very much for the trade.
Goldleaf Defender q7 Motivation - 5e
Round Shield q8 Tactics - 30e
edit: Thanks very much for the trade.
Goldleaf Defender q8 Com - 10e
Yeah it is most likely their end. There is a post about it on their forums now too:
They haven't mentioned GW yet but since the services are so closely tied together then they probably are effected by the same outage.
It seems to only be a login problem, if a someone is already connected then they can continue playing.
Hi, most players are getting the same error (seeing reports across Discord, Reddit and it is also effecting GW2 logins (from their subreddit and official forums).
They're currently aware of the issue and are working on it.
Identify costs are like 4 gp I think, or do I miss something? Your document seems to say it's 25 GP
oops, guess I must have just put uses. Ha, thanks.
edit: Checked and updated the ID and Salvage costs.
Here are some more scythe skins I can think of (worth in Q9/10): insectoid, tentacle, bonecage
And bows: dryad, silverwing
PS: the link to your guide isn't working for me
Link updated! Thank you. I'll add those skins too. Don't how how I missed those bows. Oops.
For some time now I've been trying to work on a guide for players to know what to do with drops that they get in-game. The idea being to help players identify what drops are worth keeping/selling and where it isn't worth bothering. Most of the logic will be well known to seasoned players of the game so I'm hoping to get some of your input. It isn't meant to replace anything or answer every question regarding items, it's just a reference.
Here is a link to the Guide, it allows you to add comments to the file or please just comment in this thread:
I have started a list of the Valuable Skins and would like help to complete this.
I would also like to finalise the list of Desirable Weapon Mods that it worth keeping/selling.
Keep in mind that this guide is aimed at new players but should also be realistic in terms of things that are guaranteed/quick to sell at a profit > merch rather than really detailed.
If you follow the guide it will say that if one get's an item and they're not sure to ask/get price check: For example any non-inscribable item with perfect stats.
Valuable Skins
Weapon Type | Skin/Stats (If it is inscribable then will vary in price q9-q13, if it is non-inscribable it should have max stats) |
Axe | Chaos, Eaglecrest |
Bow | Eternal, Dryad, Silverwing, Storm |
Daggers | Demon Fangs, Storm |
Focus | Non-Inscribable: Paper Fan, Plageborn, Pronged Fan, Straw Effigy Inscribable: Celestial Compass |
Hammer | Colossal Pick |
Scythe | (req9/10) Bonecage, Clockwork, Insectoid, Tentacle |
Shield/Aegis | Non-Inscribable: All skins with max dual mod Inscribable: Amethyst, Demonic, Draconic, Eternal |
Shields with vs Demons | req9-13 Tactics
+40-45 wEnch (I think lower vs demon value is also okay with this mod, so something like +9 is also worth something) +30 HP (maybe not for all skins) Maybe also -2 wEnch q9-13 Strength |
Spear | Demoncrest, Voltaic |
Staff | Non-Inscribable: Bo, Dragon, Ghostly, Outcast, Raven, Inscribable: Bone Dragon |
Sword | Non-Inscribable: Crystaline, Oni Blade, Shinobi Blade Inscribable: Crystaline, Emerald Blade, Eternal Blade, Obsidian Edge |
Wand/Scepter | Non-Inscribable: Platinum, Zodiac, Wayward Inscribable: Frog, Topaz |
Weapon Type | Special Mention for Low Requirement Weapons (Inscribable Only) |
Daggers | Non-Inscribable; req5/6 with +14/15 while Enchanted Inscribable: req5/6 |
Scythe | req0 8-15/16/17 |
Shield | req8 16AL, req7 15AL |
Spear | req0 8-12 |
Desirable Weapon Mods
Aptitude Not Attitude |
Forget Me Not |
Live For Today |
Like A Rolling Stone |
Shield Handle of Devotion |
Some past threads regarding skins:
A thread had been started in past but no one posted any replies. Suggestion about which skins are still valuable
This thread had a few suggestions regarding the Zaishen Chest, but my requet is much broader. Which Zaishen Chest skins are worth trying to sell?
Appreciate any feedback and help. If you disagree with anything please help me refine it.
Thank you.
What missions give out the Proofs?I have done all end missions and some that is says on the wiki and am only getting 3 and not 5.What missions are best to do to get all 5 plus if you want the weapons?
The event ended on the 6th May so you'll no longer be able to get Proofs of Legend until next year's event.
You can earn a Proof of Legend for completing one mission in each Region of each Campaign.
These Regions should be listed on the Wiki page as well; for example there's six in Prophecies; Ascalon, Shiverpeaks (North+South together), Kryta, Maguuma, Crystal Desert, Ring of Fire.
Hi jimbo32,
Deleting posts in the trade sections has been disabled since moving to GWLegacy. The trade section doesn't see the traffic that Guru did in its peak so it's there to make things a bit simpler for following threads and for the mods.
There are only a few threads which people keep going and do a good job of updating long term. If you/anyone would like to have multiple bumps deleted to tidy up your thread just drop me a message and I'd be happy to check and delete the 'bump' posts.
I have a Slightly Mad King Tonic to trade for Destroyer.
send me a message on here.
Oni Daggers q9 15^50 - 10e
edit: Thanks for the trade!
ornate shield q10 tac, +10 vs earth dmg +30hp - 10e
Message here for IGN
15. Ornate Shield q9 Tactics -2ench +44hp - 5e
Withdrawn, guess it was taken off sale.
Ornate Shield q10 Strength -2stance +30hp - 30e
Ornate Shield q11 Strength +1Blood -2ench - 5e
Bumping for more visibility and getting those low req. shields! Thanks for looking.
Why can we no longer like posts in this thread?
Looks like they changed it to the "react" feature.
This is correct. The forum software was updated recently and it changed the thumbs up/down to the Reactions.
It is, but you're unlikely to find players to do that now. Maybe if you find the right Guild/Alliance.
Other ways to get Faction these days are through Deep and Urgoz runs, again in the right Guild/Alliance.
When you open up the Skills window and try and Load a Template what path does it show?
Normally (C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Guild Wars\Templates\)
Have you tried putting these folder names into Google Translate? I don't know if it is a language or just characters.
Did you recently have a Windows update or notice anything different with Windows Language settings?
Very cool! Nice to see that area re-created in a different engine. Did you have to create art for the textures yourself?
The lighting is very pretty and effective in Unreal Engine.
What if this was done on an alternate account? Never tested but there is an item or two I would have always liked to transfer.
It is the same thing regardless of account. A ‘character’ for this purpose isn’t defined by the name but by an unique ID generated. This ties into any customised items.
Older me would assume the armour is actually customised you a character ID under the hood, not a character name..
Yes this is exactly how it works, the same with customised weapons.
Woah impressive. New weapon options and some new Elite Skills. Colour me surprised!
Hello all,
Thanks for the reports of the spam conversations some of you have received. Sorry about that! The user has been banned and we're aware they may have contacted several off you but it should stop there.
Please do not click any links and I've messaged Kevin to see if there is anything to prevent it happening in the future.
Helllo everyone. So i believe many toolbox users got banned at December Update 2019 so I would like to ask if I can still use toolbox these days.... Any opinions about that?
There aren't any facts to back this up. Here are some statements from the developers:
(Jan 13 2020)
(Feb 02 2020)…to_ftc/fg8l7y2/
edit: To add some extra info here are also statements from ArenaNet DrStephenCW:
(April 23 2018)…e_devs/dxu6idp/
(Oct 26 2018)
and don't forget there is only one developer working on GW and not full time.
To our knowledge there is currently NO developer working on GW for any time.
Good discussion but as Max pointed out it got off-topic from the original thread.
I've split out the relevant posts, please continue discussion here. Thank you.
Interesting first post.
Having reviewed this content: the link provided by Tsoy has been removed due to the 'kamadan chat' site purposefully promoting and advertising gold/item/account selling for real money as well as profiteering from Guild Wars.
GW Legacy and the wider GW community including the GW Sub-Reddit and GW Global Discord will not link-to or mention sites that advertise or promote Real Money Trading (RMT), Gold Selling or any other actions that promote such activities.
Discussion of such things is allowed hence this thread has been reinstated, but only as long as the rules of the forum are followed.
Hey all! We decided to wait until after the holidays to publish the letter. We felt that it would be better received by Anet at this time. So now that the holidays are over, stay tuned! bsoltan
Thanks for the reply. It might be nice to address the lack of communication and information on recent bans that seem to be effecting many people.…d_code_045_ban/…y_parma_banned/…luck_out_there/
Also the update which created a load of bugs which are still in the process of trying to be fixed
Anything happen with this ACWhammy ?
Very cool idea, loving these Mercs with costumes! Look forward to seeing more of the Ministry's adventures.
Yes, the GW update changing the compiler has broken many of the third party programs, tools, bots etc.
KAOS is currently working on updates to the launcher, I think a version is available which is being tested. If you.
They're currently working on Toolbox updates and a beta is out for that too..
You can get latest info in their Discord.
I saw someone say that it broke GWdressup. I understand GWMultiLaunch still works.
s/b on the Goldleaf Defender