• The best you could hope for in terms of strength attribute would probably 30/-2wS or 45/-2wS. One of those would run 100a+ in a bid war (exact numbers impossible to determine). A 30/-5(20) or any 30/10ar would also run that high.

    Anything else like 1 offs or unsought mods would significantly reduce the interest and value.

    Congrats on your find! That is extremely rare these days. Good Luck!

  • Agree with above. For silly money with a strength req you want stance or unconditional mods, but matching enchanted mods are also great! I think with perfect mods this could be a lot more than 100a.

    Imperfect HP Mods will reduce value by 50% plus depending on the level of imperfection.

    For r8 even dumb combinations like armor vs creature and a condition duration reduction will have interest. I can see 1-5a+ even with essentially useless but perfect mods.

    The only way this becomes worthless is if it’s a single mod IMO. Fingers crossed you get 2 mods!

  • Anything can happen in the world of make believe where people pull random numbers followed by the qualifier "possible".

    Only way to know the price of an item such would be to put for sale. Maybe @Pleikki has a time machine and has seen this event?

    Or maybe this 250a+ is the minimum that he would accept if he was the seller? I'm sure this hypothetical subjective value of what's "possible" in a world of infinite possibilities is relevant here..

    IGN: Pyro Loves Lobsters

  • Give it a rest Pyro, as you said he said possible not ensured. Also the guy wanted a ballpark to know whether to id it or not. A put it on sale advice does not really work then does it? A perfect q8 str Amber would fetch a lot no doubt, I'm sure we can agree on that. I bet most of us would pounce at a perfect q8 str 30-5/20 or 30-2wS Amber for just 100A though... I know I would. So could be 200A, could be 250A, could be a lot more (Echo at 600A comes to mind...). Or maybe the right guy isn't around at the time (which can happen with this low amount of players) but at least he has an idea now even though it's just hypothetical...

    To the guy with the shield, you can test it too if you want to take the disappointment gradually xD But don't pass it on as untested to some poor ill informed person if it might not seem to be what you hoped for. Chances are unfortunatley great it's just a single mod. Also even slightly off is gonna hit value hard, and a lot more than 50% from my experiences at least, but can still bring a lot ofc.

    Edited once, last by Zenedar (April 20, 2021 at 11:43 AM).

  • Its possible it could sell for 100a

    Its possible it could sell for 200a

    Its possible it could sell for 300a

    Its possible it could sell for 400a

    Its possible it could sell for 500a

    Any 1 of those 5 are as correct as the other 4. See the absurdity of this? Such PC's are WORTHLESS and shouldn't be given.

    You don't know what such an item might sell for to any degree of accuracy whatsoever so tell the truth which is "I don't know, sell and find out" or "Identify, sell and find out". Not helpful to the OP but what hes asking cant be known so don't pretend like you are giving valid answers.

    I'll give it a rest when this nonsense about guessing prices justified with "its possible" stops and people are honest.

    IGN: Pyro Loves Lobsters

  • Well now he knows 100A would be very low (rip-off) and that it can go a lot higher than that. Which is more than your post offered. On deciding to id or not I do not agree that is completely worthless information.

    Also it's not like shields with equal rarity and stats never sell (rare but happens) so it's not completely out of the blue either. Saying core skins has been selling at 100A lately could indeed be a good indicator this would go quite a bit higher. Though we cannot know whether a bid war pushing an item very high occurs or not.

  • "Well now he knows 100A would be very low (rip-off) and that it can go a lot higher than that." - Does he? Is it? If such an item goes for sale and only receives a max bid / single bid of 100a (perhaps from you) should he not sell because you believe that's a ripoff? If there is no buyer above 100a please tell me why its value is more than 100a. Buyers and sellers set prices with there subjective value of the item compared with all other items. That price discovery doesn't take place until the sale, hence you always end up back at "sell and find out".

    "not completely out of the blue either" - So just mostly out of the blue? really useful stuff. Past prices are no guarantee of future ones, especially when the comparison is between core skins and non core skins and even more so in market with so few participants. Pleikki said Item A is selling for X, Item B might sell for Y.

    At any given time Is there:

    1. The same / less or more buyers for strength Amber as "core"?

    2. Do those buyers have the funds to make a purchase in that suggested range?

    3. Are those buyers motivated enough to participate in a bid war and push the price to the suggested range?

    You don't know the answer to those questions (nobody does) and yet that is exactly the kind of data you would require to make a prediction of the result. and yet you dishonestly make the prediction anyway.

    "could be an indicator this would go quite a bit higher" - The reason you phrased this so vague is because you know its 1 factor in a multivariate equation to which you cant quantify almost any variable. Hence you cant accurately predict the price (so don't try).

    "Though we cannot know whether a bid war pushing an item very high occurs or not" - Thanks for concluding with my argument ^^

    Saying core skins can sell for 100a is valid as some vague ballpark number to prevent madlad lowballs of 50e being accepted, fine stop there. Trying to use that to infer that "250a+ is possible" is not appropriate or helpful, anything is possible.

    Prices don't always scale with rarity.

    Prices don't remain consistent over time even for the same item.

    Prices of similar items aren't always similar.

    Prices of very rare items can never be known with any accuracy.

    IGN: Pyro Loves Lobsters

  • Well that is up to the seller. But if I only got a bid of 100A on an amazing item like that, I would not sell. I would wait a while and try again/look harder for potential buyers or just keep, but it is his right to sell ofc. Just gotta know that there is a high chance he could get a lot more at a later point. I've done this many times with items of my own and I'm sure you don't take any offer on your own stuff just because it was the only one you got. Especially at this point of the game.

    Also it is not only core tac skins that has been sold lately. There has been eternals, emblazoneds, EK's whole thread, several rare q9 str skins etc. as well.

    And on "Though we cannot know whether a bid war pushing an item very high occurs or not" - this can happen on any item if people want them bad enough, but it's not realistic to just expect it to happen. In the meantime comparing to similar items over time is imo the only way to go about a pc on items like this. It does not mean the item will end up selling for that, but a small assessment of what market has been at on similar items etc is helpful imo , especially in this instance concidering the thread makers initial questions. We don't have to agree on this but at the end it is the thread maker who can say if he found the information helpful or not.

  • bsoltan April 21, 2021 at 1:50 AM

    Closed the thread.
  • bsoltan April 21, 2021 at 1:50 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “PC Q8 AMBER AEGIS” to “Closed. PC Q8 AMBER AEGIS”.