bo water wand catch meeeee
close pls
Oni of Demonslaying
September 27, 2021 at 3:19 PM Changed the title of the thread from “+1/20DF +10vs Blunt Shield and other OS stuff” to “q9 DV Wicked blade, +1/20DF +10vs Blunt Shield and other OS stuff”. -
bump! added dv wicked blade
50e dv wicked blade
ornate buckler 40e thank you
skin of the accursed icon? diamond or gorgon/medusa? And dyeable?
If dyeable medusa b/o, else offering 15e
Thanks for the offers, l'll update Co's soon
B/o purp water wand
25e ornate buckler
Edit: Sorry didn't see previous ornate bid, I'll pass on this one then. Also found out that that water wand was already sold but found it's way to me eventually thanks to the kind previous purchaser
Bump, updated some c/os
Zes ornate is 40e c/o
60e DV wicked
Oni of Demonslaying
October 17, 2021 at 1:21 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q9 DV Wicked blade, +1/20DF +10vs Blunt Shield and other OS stuff” to “OS items - prenerf/caster incl 2020/shields...”. -
bump! added new, removed sold, updated current offers.
Happy bidding
Oni of Demonslaying
October 17, 2021 at 1:54 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS items - prenerf/caster incl 2020/shields...” to “OS items - prenerf/caster incl 2020 smiting Jade staff/shields... updated 17.10.”. -
Bump, wicked and reinforced pending delivery
Canthan skin!) axe req9 =20e
Ign : Evil boy gu
50e on the shadow
Oni of Demonslaying
October 26, 2021 at 8:08 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS items - prenerf/caster incl 2020 smiting Jade staff/shields... updated 17.10.” to “OBSIDIAN EARTH STAFF 2020 and other os stuff... updated 26.10.”. -
5a on the Obby to get things going
Holy rod smite 10e
Ornate +1 divine 10e
7a earth
9a earth
10a earth staff
Bump! R/b for obby staff met, will sell in couple days if no further bids
Sale ends in 48 hours
Bump! Sale of obby earth staff will conclude within cca 24 hours to the highest bidder
Oni of Demonslaying
October 29, 2021 at 9:54 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OBSIDIAN EARTH STAFF 2020 and other os stuff... updated 26.10.” to “OBSIDIAN EARTH STAFF 2020 ends tomorrow and other os stuff... updated 26.10.”. -
14a earth staff
16a, this is my final offer. If you want to go higher it's yours buddy
Oni of Demonslaying
October 30, 2021 at 5:48 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OBSIDIAN EARTH STAFF 2020 ends tomorrow and other os stuff... updated 26.10.” to “OBSIDIAN EARTH STAFF 2020 ends tonight and other os stuff... updated 30.10.”. -
2:23 hours left on the clock till obby auction ends. Absolute last minute bids prolong auction for further 12 hours.
Also new q8 axe. Well, not exactly new, pretty old stuff l'd say.
La Rana seems to be last minute or so, so l'd guess that extended the bidding per above rules. Bidding ends in 4hrs from time of this edit
If this is not over, I’d offer 17a on the obsi staff.
Sorry for this late bid
Oni of Demonslaying
November 6, 2021 at 10:14 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OBSIDIAN EARTH STAFF 2020 ends tonight and other os stuff... updated 30.10.” to “q8 cleaver, shields, os stuff... updated 30.10.”. -
Oni of Demonslaying
November 6, 2021 at 10:48 AM Changed the title of the thread from “q8 cleaver, shields, os stuff... updated 30.10.” to “q8 cleaver, shields incl demon, os stuff... updated 6.11.”. -
Echo q9t -2we +41we 30e
IGN: I Zes I
25e crude axe
Oni of Demonslaying
November 10, 2021 at 9:46 AM Changed the title of the thread from “q8 cleaver, shields incl demon, os stuff... updated 6.11.” to “q8 cleaver, shields incl demon, 2020, os... updated 6.11.”. -