Could I buy a ritualist elite tome from you?

[New 16 march] Prenerf Dyed Bags set + Storage Cleaning -> OS Shields Perf / 20/20 Staves / OS Hammers + Swords + Axes / Q8 Gold inscri shields + offhands / Q0 Copperleaf / Q9 Emerald blade / Q9 Purple Elonian Daggers /OS Eternal / Q1 Scythe
Fire exalted - 20a
fire exalted- 22a
December 21, 2023 at 4:39 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[NEW 13 Dec] Prenerf Chaos Axe / Q7 Prenerf Celestial Axe / Q7 Battle Axe / Demons Exalted Aegis / Q8 Hand Axe / +10 Fire Q9 Exalted / Q8 Summit Axe / Q8 11^50 Falchion / Q9 11^50 Giant Slayer Hammer / Tower Q9 / Q0 Scythe / +50 Shields q9 Dual mods Perf” to “[R/b + b/o] Prenerf Chaos Axe / Q7 Prenerf Celestial Axe / Q7 Battle Axe / Demons Exalted Aegis / Q8 Hand Axe / +10 Fire Q9 Exalted / Q8 Summit Axe / Q8 11^50 Falchion / Q9 11^50 Giant Slayer Hammer / Tower Q9 / Q0 Scythe / +50 Shields q9 Dual mods Perf”. -
Add some r/b and b/o
R/b shadow bow
45a tyrian hand axe
December 21, 2023 at 7:46 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[R/b + b/o] Prenerf Chaos Axe / Q7 Prenerf Celestial Axe / Q7 Battle Axe / Demons Exalted Aegis / Q8 Hand Axe / +10 Fire Q9 Exalted / Q8 Summit Axe / Q8 11^50 Falchion / Q9 11^50 Giant Slayer Hammer / Tower Q9 / Q0 Scythe / +50 Shields q9 Dual mods Perf” to “[R/b + b/o] Q8 Katana 15^50 Pnerf / 6-6 Truncheon / Q7 Prenerf Celestial Axe / Q7 Battle Axe / Demons Exalted Aegis / Q8 Hand Axe / +10 Fire Q9 Exalted / Q8 Summit Axe / Q7 11^e Wingblade / Q9 11^50 Summit Axe / / Tower Q9 / Q0 Scythe / +50 Shields q9”. -
tyrian hand axe 50
11^50 summit axe q9 - 10a
q12 purple trunch - 1a
15-21 wingblade 10a
Fire exalted - r/b
60a hand axe
S/b katana
Q9 Exalted dual modded +10 fire - 50a please.
Tower shield increasd to 4a
Some items are ready for delivery
Foresta Onaryen Rage BeastCf MKP.9999 Old Ascalon Spirit Cute Motoko Hate Core
Send me a msg here or discord when you are online i'll try to log during the day.
Merry Christmas to all
q8s ornate buckler 3a
Rb summit axe and truncheon purples
December 28, 2023 at 6:49 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[R/b + b/o] Q8 Katana 15^50 Pnerf / 6-6 Truncheon / Q7 Prenerf Celestial Axe / Q7 Battle Axe / Demons Exalted Aegis / Q8 Hand Axe / +10 Fire Q9 Exalted / Q8 Summit Axe / Q7 11^e Wingblade / Q9 11^50 Summit Axe / / Tower Q9 / Q0 Scythe / +50 Shields q9” to “[New 28 Dec] Q7-12 Unid Focus / Q8 Prenerf Short Sword / Prenerfs Giants Slayer Hammers Q8 14^50FDS / Q8 Katana 15^50 Prenerf / HoD / Q7 Celestial Shield / Q7 Fellblade / Q7 SSS + SWS + Tall / Q9 Lantern / +50 Shields q9”. -
Q8 14^50 fds 20a
SB Hod and Storm Artifact
purple q10 giant slayer --- 5a
FDS q8 14^50 Emma
20a 1e
Tall q7 s/b
IGN : Palat In -
sb White SSS
12a sss (:
Gold giant ham 20a
Thanks for bids !
11a tall
13a SSS
q7 fellblade 10a. yeah it's below the r/b but maybe? It's just like the one I've accidentally salvaged into iron while it had a 25% charr mod on it :..(
q8 summit axe 10a. -
Crude Shield Q9T +10 Fire -2Stance 220 r/b 2a Crude Shield Q9T -2Stance +10 Earth 220 r/b 2a Crude Shield Q9T Heal +1/20 -2Stance 248 r/b 5a -
Sws = sb (:
1a dragoncrest axe dual vamp
22a fds 14/50
January 7, 2024 at 11:34 AM Changed the title of the thread from “[New 28 Dec] Q7-12 Unid Focus / Q8 Prenerf Short Sword / Prenerfs Giants Slayer Hammers Q8 14^50FDS / Q8 Katana 15^50 Prenerf / HoD / Q7 Celestial Shield / Q7 Fellblade / Q7 SSS + SWS + Tall / Q9 Lantern / +50 Shields q9” to “[Happy New Year] Q7-12 Unid Focus / Q8 Prenerf Short Sword / Prenerfs Giants Slayer Hammers Q8 14^50FDS / Q8 Katana 15^50 Prenerf / HoD / Q7 Celestial Shield / Q7 Fellblade / Q7 SSS + SWS + Tall / Q9 Lantern / +50 Shields q9”. -
Tall q7 12a
IGN: Palat In -
15a/ea q7/16 shield (:
Purple giant slayer b/o
Water +1/20
-2 Stancerb 1a pls
celestial q7 15 str 10a