Oni Daggers q8 15^ench - 25a
OS Crudes Skeletons / Undeads - Q9
Q8 Oni 15^ench 26a
Q8 Oni 15^ench 30a
q8 Oni Daggers 15^ench 32a
q8 Oni Daggers 15^ench 50a
ECHO Q9 +30 -2 ENCH
undead magma
r/b 1a
in this case, back to my initial offer 1a (r/b)
Dragon staff channeling 2a
May 22, 2022 at 2:56 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Q5 Darkwing / Q8 / OS / Obsidian / Dual Vamp Sale” to “New Items : Tall Charr / Necro Shields / Q5 Darkwing / Low Q Shields / Q8 Stuff”. -
tall charr 10a
Crude q9 -2/+30: 5a
interested in b/o
IGN Mrs Larkin
Ty for tag!
GotH - 250e(ObsidiaN be gentle)
OOH didn't even see the Oni Blade. 250e on that, too. -
New Echo - 4A
Cute Oni Blade - 3A
Tower Q5/13 Str
Kourman Defender Q5/13
10e each
Q5^13 Tac Crude Shield 50e
Q5^13 Tac Spiked Targe 50e
oni 5a, SWS 1a
Q8 SWS 5a
Q6/14ar Tac
Great Conch 30e
Wooden 30e
10a Crude
Tall - 30eSkeleton- 30eAegis - 30e
Adamantine- 30eCrude - 60e
Spiked - 60e
Crude 15a
Q5/13 Tactics (blue): Aegis : 50e
Darkwing - 21a
20a crude
c/o Guardian : 50e
4 12 purple tall 50e
Q5^13 Crude 1a
Q5^13 Spiked 100e
500e guardian
700e Guardian
ty for 1st offers
50e on each
Vabbian Tower Shield Q6/14 Blue
Vabbian Defender Q7/15 Blue
Few hours before the end !
8/16 sws insc 6a
q11 echo -2/45we 5a
best offer guardian
Q8 SWS inscr 8a