Bladed demon shield -1a
50e on moa
I'll take the aegis of aargh - ign: Lone Angel
Air Shadow - 35e
Shadow Staves Fire, Earth, Water 35e ea
buyouts added ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Platinum Ele Staves (all 4) ~ 80e
IG : Holy Kezia
Platinum Ele Staves -- I'll take b/o at 95e, please.
ign: Antigone Amidala
Q2 wooden buckler
(It's only appropriate I buy this from you, you know what I mean lol)
updated again^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I'll take the Aegis of Terror
edit: fast trade
Aka Fsc
January 31, 2018 at 6:48 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Blinks Thread *updated 19/12/2017*” to “Blinks Thread *updated 31/01/2018*”. -
BUMP, all updated, everything here is still for sale
Aegis of Arrrrrrggggghhhh - 10e
IGN: Arcana Force
May 3, 2018 at 3:43 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Blinks Thread *updated 31/01/2018*” to “CLOSED”. -
May 3, 2018 at 6:04 PM Closed the thread. -