amber staff 100e

WTS around 100 new OS Items Shields, Swords, Hammers, Wands, Staffs, Axe, Bows inc. some Q8s / NEW ITEMS 13.07.2024
amber staff 120e
pls lemme you got so much money after drop q8 Shield much wow u can buy q8 max ones now. no need for stealing poor peoples x00g's
Got a Q9 chan jade staff 300g value screaming for his brother😛
Amber1 20e
175e Amber. Just sell me the jade and you won't have the problem of pairing these two
Echo 7 (Str one) 20e
IGN: Elba Lazo
Echo7 50e
Echo9 5a
Amber 2 2a
Ornate4 3a
Gothic 3 - 1a
Dragon Staff - 50 globs of ectoplasm.
Round Shield -2wE +10vsPlants 22a
Amber 3
100E -
Bump added some B/O for specific items
Echo 7: 75e
Echo9 7a
25a to b/o the 3 I've offered on. LMK
Bump - Sold First Shields.
30a Round Shield -2wE +10vsPlants
Echo 7 (the stance one) - 2a
Ornate 2 - 2a
Echo 7 Stance 5a
Amber 2 - 5a
Amber Staff Communing - 100e
Amber Staff Channeling - 200e
BUMP - sold some items and got new items up
New Items:NEW Echo 12
NEW Echo 13
NEW Gothic 4
NEW Ornate 6
NEW Ornate 7
NEW Jug 10/10 q10 ES
NEW Paper Fan 10/20fire q11 ES
NEW Amber Staff Bloodmagic 20%
echo 7 stance 10a
echo 12 15a
fire fan 2a
Q8 reinforced 13a
Echo 13 and Gothic 4 —-3a/ea
Amber Chan 250e
sold some items + bump
Bump + added new q8 shield
Bump - complete new set of items ------ 10.07.2024
July 10, 2024 at 2:36 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS 3x Q8 Shields /// Other OS Shields” to “WTS around 100 new OS Items Shields, Swords, Hammers, Wands, Staffs, Axe, Bows inc. some Q8s”. -