Chests with Q8 Max Drop Possibilities

  • Indeed, or any krytan chest drop with unid value 12 gold, regardless of whether that item is q3 itself.

    Good point! Red Fireball is the keeper all of that wonderful data. I never got my hands on a copy of the unid gold values found per max item (other than Q8). Red will have a lot of reading to do when he gets back online :)

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    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • lvl7: Ascalonian/shingJea/Istani chest

    lvl11: Steel chest

    lvl14: Krytan chest

    lvl17: Maguuma Chest

    lvl20: Elonian, Canthan, Kournan chest and first chest in SF (nm and hm), treasure chest Issnur and Mehtani

    lvl22: second chest in SF (nm and hm), locked chest in shing Jea, Istan and ascalon in HM, treasure Arkjok, Bahdok, Jahai

    lvl 24: pretty much everything else.

    nf treasures work differently concerning value - the above is concerning stats of drops.

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • Hello,

    Yes, the Keyless Treasure Chests are the same for NM or HM. The only ones that have been found to drop Q8 Max items up to date is those on the starter island. It looks like this may be the Issnur Isles one?

    So close on that drop, that particular skin has been known do drop in Q8 from treasure so you came close to getting another for the record book.

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • Hey Agent Chevy chevy just dropped a q8 dual winged axe purple from the treasure chest near the corsairs on noob island.

    So yes q8 are possible at least from this treasure chest Fenrir el Gris

    I was in nm but hm doesn't change anything

    Fun fact : i think a colossal scimtar purple could be possible too from these chests as they drop only purp once you have already opened them once. Yet no proof :P

  • Hey Agent Chevy chevy just dropped a q8 dual winged axe purple from the treasure chest near the corsairs on noob island.

    So yes q8 are possible at least from this treasure chest Fenrir el Gris

    I was in nm but hm doesn't change anything

    Fun fact : i think a colossal scimtar purple could be possible too from these chests as they drop only purp once you have already opened them once. Yet no proof :P

    Nice drop!

    I assume when you say noob island, it was one of the 2 locations in red below.....

    These have been known to drop Q8s. I am aware of both a Q8 Max Adamantine Falchion and Adamantine Shield that were dropped from one of these 2. The rest below with ?'s are the ones that a Q8 has never been reported from and the belief is that the level from these are too high.

    Treasure Chests (keyless) (NM or HM, same quality drops) - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)

    Istan - Issnur Isles - Buried Treasure - Yes - Updated 1/12/18

    Istan - Mehtani Keys - Treasure Chest - Yes - Updated 1/12/18

    Kourna - Arkjok Ward - Buried Treasure - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)

    Kourna - Bahdok Caverns - Do Not Touch - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)

    Kourna - Jahai Bluffs - Treasure Chest - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)

    Vabbi - The Mirror of Lyss - Buried Treasure - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)

    Vabbi - Forum Highlands - Do Not Touch - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)

    Vabbi - The Hidden City of Ahdashim - Treasure Chest - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)

    The Desolation - The Ruptured Heart - Buried Treasure - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)

    The Desolation - The Sulfurous Wastes - Treasure Chest - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)

    Realm of Torment - Domain of Pain - Treasure Chest - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)

    Realm of Torment - Nightfallen Jahai - Treasure Chest - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • I've just got this one from "Kourna - Bahdok Caverns - Do Not Touch - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)"

    Thanks for sharing. Q8s of other damages may still drop when Max DMG is unable to.

    This is still intriguing to see from a Kourna Treasure. The additional way to verify if a q8 max can drop from a chest if items with a unid value around 30-32 drop (if I am remembering correctly). Red Fireball can verify this statement.

    what about vabbi deso and torment treasures?

    Similar to the Kourna Treasure chests, these have not been proven to drop q8 max items or have a low enough unid value to drop q8 max items.

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • in theory yes - 32-33g items would opt for max q8 item drop chance, but the unid value of treasure chests is odd in various ways, so I wouldn't rely on that here. (1. the unid value ranges don't match a given level as all other chest drops do, 2. the top limit doesn't apply as everywhere else, so you have 80g unid value items, whereas everywhere else it is restricted to 60g)

    just any q8 (not-purple-staff-)drop and any max drop from a chest are proof enough of a q8 max drop chance from said chest. Moira1675 ideally we'd want to see the screen, when the item is still on the ground unidentified, that also shows your position and the chat history so we can actually see it was generated by the do not touch thing. Thanks a lot for looking out - definitely worth further looking now!

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • Sorry, but I didn't make print screen. My position was in the middle of poping angry djins around, so unfortunately I didn't have enough time to take print screen at the moment. And I didn't expect q8 item so couldnt react in time. But I got it from Bahdok Caverns - Do Not Touch, cos I know where I've been and why I should lie about it? So you can choose whether you can believe or not to my words. It doesn't matter to me, just wanted to share the information as probably useful.

  • I've just got this one from "Kourna - Bahdok Caverns - Do Not Touch - ? - Needs Drop Research (proof of Q8)"

    they're still on about this.

    Moira1675 can you specify what item you did get? purple or gold rarity? what weapon type?

    thanks for your input :)

    but q8 non max can drop in places q8 MAX will not drop, which they are not understanding.

    ꚛꚙꚛ Ouch My Assassin | Raise R Bladez ꚛꚙꚛ

  • Looney thanks - I missed that correlation after the time passed in between.

    IF that one is from the chest in question it does indeed mean that the max q8 can drop there - very situational argument... but definitely worth looking more into nf treasures around kourna :)

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • Looney thanks - I missed that correlation after the time passed in between.

    IF that one is from the chest in question it does indeed mean that the max q8 can drop there - very situational argument... but definitely worth looking more into nf treasures around kourna :)

    Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me too much if the can. kournan chests drop q8 so maybe those treasures do too. The gold value correlation may be off as well due to treasures tending to drop higher than normal values.

    ꚛꚙꚛ Ouch My Assassin | Raise R Bladez ꚛꚙꚛ

  • It would be exciting if they do, as soon as the first proven q8 max drops from one, I will update the list :)

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • thats a nice question, IMO not any, but almost...

    I would really like to make a thread about all possible insc gold skins in each req

    if you have some specific skin in mind, shoot :p

    lot of dungeon skins are out of the equation , but nevertheless we can get many surprises if it is farmed with the right mix of factors

  • Is it still possible to get any q8 gold, insc. Weapons?

    Yes, all Kournan Chests, treasure chests listed on this original thread and foes level 17-20 (some believe 21 but this may be debatable), can drop gold q8 insc weapons, however the only types that still drop max are focus, shields and swords, the rest are reduced DMG for the current day q8 max (axe is 6-27, bow is 14-27, hammer is 18-34, dagger is 7-16, spear is 14-26, scythe is 9-40 and wands/staves are 11/21). Even those have collectors today.

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • Hey wild and maybe stupid question but by now after reading all these threads i think everything is possible.

    Do discounted Kurzick / Luxon keys when you buy them for 480g/each at the Luxon/Kurzick Merchant when your Guild controls City. Make chests drop q8 = bring them in q8 range? because 480g pretty close to 450g right?

    Does zoning into a 2nd territory in a chest run, increase dropchances in the 2nd territory? I feel like it is like that.

    Greets Envie

  • Hey wild and maybe stupid question but by now after reading all these threads i think everything is possible.

    Do discounted Kurzick / Luxon keys when you buy them for 480g/each at the Luxon/Kurzick Merchant when your Guild controls City. Make chests drop q8 = bring them in q8 range? because 480g pretty close to 450g right?

    Greets Envie

    how much you buy the key for is irrelevant. We just mention key cost as a way to tell the level of the chest, nothing changes that level. If price of the key used changed drops lockpicks would have absolutely horrible drops

    ꚛꚙꚛ Ouch My Assassin | Raise R Bladez ꚛꚙꚛ

  • Hello!

    1) Looney covered this one, for additional context, the chests as well as the Foe Levels that drop Q8s are determined by the Unid Gold Value possibilities for that chest/foe, that is what allows us to know that these specific chests can drop max Q8s as well as level 16-20 foes (16 is more recently discovered, some believe 21 but awaiting sold proof).

    2) Interesting theory, I too like chest running and farming as well in zones that require a travel to get to, I would say there is no exact proof of this, however one theory could be that less people farm and chest run these explorer areas so that the loot table may be affected differently, but again, not proven and likely debatable, but fun concept.

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • That's a Red Fireball question, my answer is that they just want to be unique and make it more confusing :)

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • any reasonable idea why the staffs work differently?

    my guess it happened with the addition of the universal hsr mod in the big nerf right before nf release. this might have screwed up certain things concerning values, rarities, stat ranges in ways we can only guess about so far. huge samples of prenerf staves could help us verify this theory, but I don't have the motivation to collect those data atm. at least it makes sense in the ways that on prenerf staves the ranges were respected according to the time, whilst later on with an added core stat to the weapon at least the purp ones seem screwed up. such happened to no other wep and no other wep has the issue.

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • Red Fireball Hey Red, do you think that using lockpick on chests that can drop q8 items affects them ? Maybe you can get better items with the coressponding key instead of lockpick ?

    nope. it doesn't make any difference. the loot is generated at map load and from there does not change anymore. which button you click definitely does not influence drops.

    that's the theoretical version: practical is same - it had been tested (not by me, don't want credit), but it didn't make any difference

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • so far the only thing that has proven any better drop is :

    - minor id kit will give dual mods on shields

    - chest running in russian region

    - quick prayers at the hindu temple ( turn 3 times on yourself before leaving while chanting ahre krishna or it doesn't work for gold drop)

    - waiting as long as possible before iding the item, thats why all the big collector have unid item collection, they want to maximize the chance on q8 15^50 for their crystaline os

    that's the theoretical version: practical is same - it had been tested (not by me, don't want credit), but it did make a difference

  • How in the hell you came up with this ? :P

  • I wish I had listened to you before rushing to ID that q9 Amber