Hey all, im after a fun mesmer build to mix things up a bit while i do vq/easy missions. ATM im using /rt SoS which works fine but its a little slow. Anyone have a good dagger/scythe build or something else other than esurge/vor? thanks

Fun Mesmer Builds
Summoning Gentleman Xander
1. Keystone Signet mesmer it is what you looking for !
2.PI is the was to go when you wanta test for your skills and need thrill.
3. TIME ward and other supportive skills if you are into that kinky sup stuff.
Hope I helped 🙏
I have been summoned. Will have time thursday to make some builds etc. Work days are heavy lately so it will take some time😅
Thanks. i have threw together a dagger build which ive done a few missions n vq with which works ok
always open to other fun stuff too.
the easier to use the better, this char is my 5th gwamm so i wanna autopilot lol, space c 1 2 3 4 5 -
I guess "fun build" is very subjective
but here a few approaches that I had in mind:
Psychic instability hammer build
Illusory weaponry dagger build
a more "12345" build would be https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Build:Me/R_Simple_Energy_Surge
ill give em a try, appreciated!
Just noticed builds 5 and 6 need to swap elite skills 😅
Guess you can see work is just killing my brain🙃😝
Btw Red Fireball IW doesn’t work with daggers. Since IW neither hits nor misses, it won’t count for the dagger chain. Besides that you’d be reliant on pcons or alc for IAS since there aren’t any useable IAS skills otherwise 😅. That’s why I came up with axe and To the limit + FGJ to get adrenaline for whirlwind:D -
ah I wasn't talking about attack chain, but about the inherent chance to dual strike with high dagger mastery. this way you do get increased attack speed effectively. and as ias you could bring drunken master? but yes... you should use alc for that one. I do however very much like your axe version as well - makes great use of the available multi hit skills there
I’m not sure if dual strike would work either. Since it neither hits nor misses, I’m not sure if it’d take the dual strike in calculation for IW (that it does in fact hit twice). But iirc, to increase the chances of double striking, you’d have to invest quite a lot of attribute points into dagger mastery (which is useless damage wise since IW will just take over).